Gamers Rage

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by mistahdobalina, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. [quote name='"Purp Skurp"']I guarantee I can rage quit a cod game faster than anybody in this forum.[/quote]

    Challenge accepted :)
  2. The spawn points in BF will NEVER be as bad and random as MW3/MW2
  3. Online fighting games are the worst cause of this, for me at least. It's not losing. Hell, I can take a loss against somebody. If they play better than me, they play better than me.

    It's just when, in certain games, you only ever see anybody use like one character, and that's because they usually have some broken exploit that can be used. And before you ask why I don't use the exploit as well...Well the game wouldn't be any fun if I spammed a glitch to victory, would it?

    My other problem with fighting games online, is that opponents also like to wait until you pick a character, specifically so they can pick the perfect counter character. And online, for some reason, I can't press B and pick a different character. Hell, all of my fights online I just press random on the character select screen.

    Oh, and unjustified rage quitters. Don't like them either. (Not saying that anyone who's posted falls into that category btw.)
  4. I don't rage on many types of games. Something like CoD though.. I may just rage.

    What gets me is when people play using the pussiest tactics. Camping with a silenced MP7 or some shit where they're not really playing the game, just sitting in some spot that's hard to kill people at.

    That's whatever. It's lame but I'll just switch to a different tactic and sneak on their shit. But will my teammates? No. They'll keep rushing and dying, repeating the same shit over and over. Hoping they finally kill him, even if it means giving the other team 15 free kills on us.

    Teammates unwilling to think about what they're doing and not paying any attention makes me rage more often than not. Haha I'll end up talking shit to teammates more than the other team.

    I mean, I don't care if we win or lose really, or if a teammate is having a bad game or something. But when it's obvious they're just refusing to use their head and that alone costs us the game.. meh
  5. This is mainly my drive for gaming, I used to love PvPing in WoW whenever I could whether it was a lose or win situation.

    It entertained me, I was damn skilled and I knew the other person was getting pissed off.

    Personally the only time I got gamers rage was when people I knew in real life would piss me off. I remember getting in an argument and then killing them 1 v 2 in the gurubashi arena. Mage vs warrior/rogue shit was funny as fuck :devious:

    Might get GW2 simply for the world versus world, looks like some fun ass pvp.

    And gaming is ALL about pissing other people off. :laughing:
  6. lol yes!

    i quit playing shortly after the first pvp season of Cataclysm ended, but during that first season i was very skilled at an overpowered class.. so basically i was damn near undefeatable except for by others as skilled using a counter class.

    anyways i would go around the isle of tol barad doing nothing but killing horde waiting for rage whispers from people i ganked over and over and over.

    fucking hilarious getting those comments about how shitty you are from a person you camped daily for weeks.
  7. I only used to rage when I played xbox games. For some reason while playing PC games I never really get mad

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