Gamer that hates Gaming

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Cold Beahs, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. There's no MP on Halo:CEA
  2. Its a Free Roam RPG/CO-OP zombie infested island, whats not to love? :rolleyes:
  3. I agree with you I dunno what the deal is about graphics I mean you stop caring about an hour into it.

    I blame the Call of Duty and Halo series as the main cause of this nonsense.

    I hate Bethseda's games though... Bioware all the way mannnn.

    PC still has quality stuff coming out for it though. Not as much as before maybe but there's still good stuff.

  4. I totally agree with you games these days for the most part are insanely easy.

    I usually get difficulty mods and the like.

  5. there is a big difference between call of duty and halo

    Every halo release has seen huge improvements over the last game. Halo 2 introduced an amazing console matchmaking system, halo 3 introduced forge mode and theater mode, halo ODST introduced an open world style campaign and firefight, and halo reach perfected Firefight, forge, filesharing, and theater mode, and character customization.

    Call of duty just makes new maps and new weapons and sells it as a yearly release.
  6. Yes Halo >>>>>>>>> CoD but I still blame it for the rise of the obsession with graphics over gameplay and short singleplayer campaigns.
  7. i guess man but you cant clump halo into that. halo has done more for the industry (especially consoles) than almost any other game has.
  8. definitely, you can thank halo for almost every console shooter. the same way gears of war redefined the genre.

    halo reach killed it with forge world, but there are still a couple of things that need to be touched up. they also took a step back in theater mode. all halo does is redefine
  9. how did they take a step back in theater? My complaint is you cant play clips with friends in your party.

    Forge mode is probably the best thing to happen to gaming in a long time.

  10. That I have a problem with ;). Unless you only wanna talk about consoles.

  11. Forge= Garry's Mod.

    Forge has limited abilities unlike garry mod where you can do whatever you want.
  12. but it showed an almost perfect way to do it on a console

  13. What do you think the most influential games are?
  14. You call your self a gamer cause you play gameboy?? BAHAHA
  15. Most influential? Well if you wanna go by sales go with COD but if you wanna talk about most positively influential than...

    Oh I dunno...

    Half Life
    Diablo 2
    Tribes 1+2
    Baldur's Gate 2
    Jagged Alliance 2
    Fallout 1 + 2
    Thief 1 + 2
    Freespace 1 + 2
    Tie Fighter
    System Shock 2
    Deus Ex
    Quake 3
    Civ series (at least through BTS)
  16. Halo series had changed consoles far greater than any game combined.

  17. That's PC. We're talking about consoles and how games greatly changed consoles for better.

    Halo is the one of the few games that totally changed the consoles experience like no other games ever done for.

    Listed was already showed by Jadams.
  18. That's why I said "unless you only want to talk about consoles"...
  19. I don't see that in your post. lol
  20. check page 2 bottom

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