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Gaining to much weight

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by tokerjoker313, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. I have a serious problem. I smoke a lot, and as a result I eat a lot. I mean A LOT. Last night, for example, I ate 4 big macs, a large milkshake and 4 apple pies. I am gaining so much weight as I eat like this a lot. How can I enjoy my bud, and not gain weight as a result of the munchies? anyone else here have this problem? I have gained like 100 pounds over the last year!
  2. IMO and experience, it's just a will power thing. It may seem really hard at first but once you get used to not eating, you might not even get the munchies. That's what I experienced. Might wanna try eating healthier stuff too. Mcdonalds is pure crap, man. That shit will kill you.
  3. i know i'm going to get shit on for giving an honest answer...

    but, it's called will power. you ate 4 Big Mac's and 4 Apple Pie's, you expect not to gain weight?
  4. ... control...

    as with anything, food can be addicting with the help of weed.

    come on now, just cut back. if its that hard, eat and then smoke. dont much on your high, as it trains your body to "reward" your high by being hungry.

    1. eat before you smoke.
    2. keep all munchies healthy, carrots apples fruits are all cheap and chronic when your high.
    3. if your high, go RUN to your food! run down thr street to grab your food!
    4. dont buy into the gay companies that stifle your smoking!
    - McDonalds and other major companies fuel the war on drugs, so dont support them! their food is shit anyway.

    thats i can think of, as i am high
  5. how long has this been going on?

    because unfortunately I doubt grasscity is the place for help.
  6. #6 j4cks0ne23, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2009
    have you seen super size me? or super high me for that matter...both good movies.

    but just keep it under control. you're not actually hungry enough to need all that food. will power man. i usually just get high and zone out and watch a movie, or play a game. try just focusing on something else instead of food. obviously it's gonna be hard if it's in front of you, so keep that shit away.
  7. Don't know if you've ever tried, but I use smoking as kind of a reward. After work I'll go run a few miles or ride my bike for an hour. It's a lot easier to do all that if I know I have something waiting back at the house for me, it even helps the soreness that comes along with that. It might not curb the munchies, but it's a good way to get some exercise and increase your metabolism.
  8. Eat some good food, dont eat fast food, eat fruits and vegetables. Oranges, apples, and grapes taste way better to me than McDonalds when im high.
  9. the munchies are easily controlled. you just have to buck up and stop blaming weed for your problems.

    i smoke 50% more now than i ever did and i've lost 10lbs in the past month even smoking every day. i did use to get them bad until i scheduled smoking around my actual meals; then i eat as much as i would have anyway, and it tastes so much better lol. i cook my own food though. (i'm also a better cook when high, and this has been confirmed by many sober people; anyone else notice this happening?)
  10. Slice up some fruit and vegetables before you start smoking for the day and snack on that. Get rid of all the rest of the crap you have lying around. Take a day or two of getting used to eating healthy, but it can be done. If you're out with friends take healthy snacks with you. Sure they'll laugh, but who cares?
  11. well said. Mcdonalds is bad for you man, try subway instead. :)
  12. also,
    just fucking stop it. there is a huge amount of even fast food that is healthier than mcdonalds burgers. at the very least try a salad or two a day

    you could start by replacing JUST ONE burger with an order of salad or lean meat
  13. I agree with another post here, just have lots of fruit on hand. You may not want it when you're high and crave some junk food, but as soon as you take the first bite of a banana or peach, you'll forget about the junk food. If you're still hungry later, have some mixed nuts or something.
  14. omfg i want a peach RIGHT NOW
  15. Don't forget mango's, they're the best for sure, or mango juice (non-concentrated). :)
  16. For the most part I don't really get the munchies, it's never been a side effect, I mean cotton mouth is really the extent, and then I have an intense craving for tea or an arizona.

    I never had a weight problem either but I was self concious about my body. It wasn't until one summer that I quit drinking soda and smoking cigarettes that I started feeling great about myself.

    As for eating at fast food places, I'd veer away from that if I were you, not only is it terrible for your body, it's exceptionally expensive too. I like homecooked meals and quality stuff, maybe it was the way I was raised, I dunno.
  17. I lost weight when I started smoking daily because I stopped drinking completely. I lost all of my beer gut.

  18. Do you eat that much just when you smoke alone? Or when you're with other people?

    I know I don't munch nearly as much with other people as when I'm alone... Im convinced its just because I'm bored haha.. I like to blaze while I watch a show or something then come downstairs, make dinner and chill with my parents while they watch the news, sitcoms and foodtv (which is awesome when you're baked, fyi).

    I also like to go on the cmoputer when im baked... cruise GC, FB, and dA (haha...). It keeps me occupied and I dont like eating at the computer cause I make messes lol.

    Another big one is drinking water.. When im on a doobie cruise and want to munch I go to 711 and get one of the "thirst quencher" sized waterbottles (like, a full litre I think?) and I toss in a couple crystal lights and nurse that for a while... That helps too if you get a fun lid (like the ones on gatorade)... it will keep your mouth more preoccupied than eating... plus you'll be getting lots of water! (just keeep away from big bottles of juice... even real fruit juice has an ass-load of sugar).

    Good luck homes.
  19. trust me when I say, i have been in your shoes. I get munchies BAD - even to the extent of eating myself sick.

    A few weeks ago, me and friends walked to mcdonalds and i had 3 cheeseburgers and 2 large fries and a milkshake (love those things lol). then i was still hungry so i polished off 6 cheesy gordita crunches at taco bell.

    I went home and barfed all over. not fun.

    My metabolism allows me to do this 7 days a week and not gain any weight (ive actually lost weight since i started smoking) so all I can tell you is

    eat before you smoke
    get used to not eating high and it wont be a big deal after a month
  20. Too lazy to read the other responses but this WORKS (for me 100% of the time):
    1. Chug water, lots of it
    2. If that fails have some good gum ready
    3. After both and you're still hungry, eat carrots or celery or something
    4. Fruit after if still hungry
    5. Bowl of healthy cereal is my last resort lol

    this always works for me, although I don't chew gum anymore
    Even if you eat all 5^, thats only like 300-400 calories, like half a meal

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