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Gain weight?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by afhottieprep, Dec 7, 2005.

  1. Hey guys I've been smoking for a year and a month now. I smoked heavily end of sept thru beginning of november, like EVERYDAY. Well i stopped going to the gym cuz i guess i've been lazy. I noticed my grades went from A's -B's to C's and 1 B for the final semester. I feel bad. Well anyway, I gained weight and my abs are flabby..they're no longer define. Do any of you feel lazy to work out or what?
  2. I practice martial arts and run all the time, so i don't have this issue.

    It's just the inactivity that inevitable occurs when you're stoned outta your skull.
  3. I play hockey 3-4 times a week. Don't really have a problem. Although I know I'd get more work done if I laid off da :smoke: .
  4. Nope I've lost alot of weight since I started smoking cause I've straightened my life out.
  5. im teh captain of my swim team though i only smoke on weekends and have to take abreak to afford xmas presents
  6. I know its sad to say but either stop smoking or straighten the fuck out and get mentally tough to get up and workout. Because if you don't you'll prove all those anti-herd propoganda bullshit right by getting worse grades, getting to lazy to perform daily activities, and stop working out!

    Look man, I know its hard but just force yourself to study and workout a couple days and then you see how much you love being able to smoke and still do what needs to be done.

    I smoked today and ended up working out when I knew i wasn't and was saying to myself "it'll be my early rest day for the week" but i got the motivation and got up to do a pretty damn decent workout pushing myself to the limit like you should do ever workout.

    With the school thing, Its not that hard to study or do your work. Its just starting it thats hard for me. Just try and make it into a positve session of learning. lol Think how kewl it is we have the oppurtunity to go to school and get educated. Think how kewl the stuff u learn is. Like history and you can even look at math like a game. Or if you like philosphy and stuff look at math as a system that runs society.

    Just do what u need to fucking do man!

    Don't let your laziness give herb a bad name.

    I believe in you. Good luck.

  7. well thanks for the input..I actually worked out on my abs earlier tonight..its been 2-3 months since i've worked out and i felt good. Next semester I'll do put school first ahead of me.

    Like Wookiesarecool said, Im definitely gonna smoke on weekends when school starts next semster. Gonna change my schedule by working out after classes, going to school and do good and smoke weed on weekends. I know i've been lazy but i've learned my lesson once i saw my grades. Thanks motox
  8. Jeb, rep +, where did you get that av?? Toe Jam n Earl is my fave game!! Drinkin lemonade with the hula girls in the hottub on level 0! Too funny!
  9. Don't let weed be the excuse for or the cause of any problems. Do your schoolwork, then work out, and then get high afterwards, if that's what it takes.

    Right now I walk miles around town almost every day, plus 8-hours of manual labor moving heavy boxes around. So my exercise is taken care of.

    School? Fuck school, I'm done with that shit for now. Thank goodness.
  10. I Work mostly everyday, so i guess thats my excersize..
  11. i started a thread a while ago, but as stated earlier here, i too have lost weight from smoking. my grades have stayed pretty much the same (B's), even though i definately go to class less. and i probably walk 3-4 miles around the city everyday, so...
  12. just get high after you work out so you dont get to lazy to not work out. when i wake and bake, then continue to smoke all day thats when i am lazy. but usually if i got shit to do, i do it first then smoke up

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