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gah the smell

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Coastin420, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. not really relatively new to smoking.. however my friend got caught, and i asked if he would be willing to sell his bong. he agreed and i said i'll think about it. i am actually seriously considering buying it. my only problem is that i have to be really careful about the smell. like i said, i'm not new to smoking, i know bongs reek. i was wondering if anyone knew of a good spray(besides the obvious febreeze) that can cover up the smell well. if it could be found at my local store it would be a little easier too. thanks guys

  2. Bongs only stink if you leave the bong water in them. You shouldn't be doing that anyway, because its nasty. Dump the water out after each session and tuck it away in your hiding place and you'll be fine.

    If you still need a spray, get Ozium. You can get it at Wal-Mart.
  3. Ozium is the shit.

    The only time you should have water in there is when you're smoking. Letting it just sit in there for days is really nasty imo.
  4. The question is really "Who keeps bong water in the bong?"

    I've never done that, never will do it... It never appealed to me anyways. but, hey.
  5. if you want no smell or barely any smell get a vape its saved my ass about 100 times
  6. Just get some inscence.

    If you've never used inscence before and your mom asks whats up just say your gonna start using them, and just always have one burning.

    Theres this kind that looks like a mountaain volcanoe thing, There hella cheap and you can buy a ton at a time.
  7. meh, i leave water in my bong somewhat frequently. It's not that I don't think it's nasty, but usually when I'm done smoking i'm just way to fucking lazy to be emptying out 2 percs and shit so i just put it back in the closet and thoroughly clean it the next time i use it. And it sits in that little space for awhile like that and doesn't really seem to smell..
  8. Bongs don't stink man, just make sure you have a few safety measures in place before you begin!

    Only pack enough into the bowl that you can clear in ONE hit.
    Inhale ALL the smoke, or cover the mouth of the bong with your hand after to contain extra smoke.
    Exhale out the window through a sploof (instructions readily available online)
    Done! Repack and repeat! :hello:
  9. na bongs dont smell that much but i empty mine after every 3 bowls so that it tasted good
  10. i didn't plan on keeping the water in it anyway, i agree that it's gross aswell. what about the bowl/slide? should i just double bag it seperately? i already use a sploof too:)

    i also always have candles burning. i think i'm good. now i just need to go get a case at my local headshop. thanks erry'body.
  11. Worst thing in the world is an acrylic bong with old bong water in it.................................... Smell will never leave! No matter what you do!

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