G20 summit

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aaronthegerman, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. I understand I can google it dude, but since you and this aarongerman guy were there I wanted to know what your specific reasons are. Seems you don't have any though other than to just start shit. Which shouldn't surprise anyone who has seen your posts around here.
  2. I don't start anything. I offer a different opinion, a different slant if you want but it's not my desire to start anything.

    Why does criticism of the US and Donald Trump upset you so much? It's not criticism of you, it's criticism of your government.

    We should adhere to a Queensbury rules type scenario if we are to make any progress in this propaganda soaked stalemate. I will address you as Sir at the beginning of posts and I expect you to do likewise. The constant bickering is tiresome. So I'll begin.

    Sir, I went to Hamburg to join the party. There's a buzz at such events that can't be matched. Plus Hamburg is such a cool city and a legendary hotbed of all things left. It would be your nightmare, so bad, you wouldn't believe it, SAD!
  3. Get A Job
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. It's about starting a revolution for the common people, and the best way to do that is by setting fire to the cars of the common people and by destroying their businesses. If you can think of a better strategy I'd like to hear it.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. critisism based on reality doesn't bother me at all. Its only natural to criticize certain things. I got one reply about starting a revolution for "common people" and your response was to "join the party". Well, I'm common, and I didn't say nor ask for a revolution. As far as going to "join the party" that seems kind of dumb though really doesnt it? I ask you what you stand for and you say to join the party. Seriously? At least you were hopefully honest about that. All I did was ask a pretty simple question and so far, crickets.
  6. you know, its funny you say that. In the area I lived in there was a pretty tense situation about 10 years ago. Some guy from a local town got on the highway on a crotch rocket with about 2lbs of coke on him. He was driving about 90mph on the highway, and a cop tried to pull him over. He ended up leading them on a highspeed chase through residential areas and ended up turning himself into a grease spot when he dumped his bike. The town, which is predominantly black, started to literally riot because they felt it was race related because one of the cops was white. Their answer was the same, they didn't riot in the "white part" of town, they rioted in the ghetto, and of the 5 actual businesses that were in that area, they burned 3 of them to the ground.
    So what did that get them? Nothing.
  7. What are you talking about--situations like these give perfect opportunity for rich liberals to go on television and do some moral posturing and grandstanding. How can you call that nothing?

    I don't think you understand how the world works. Feelings are what's important. Feelings. Does yelling out stupid slogans like "white privileges" or "systematic oppression" actually accomplish anything? Does destroying the property of strangers you have never met and who have never done you any harm solve anything? Of course it doesn't. But it feels as if you had, and, brother, that's just as good.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I can say I was there to watch things burn. I didn't have any political message cause I don't think I'm qualified to on that level.
    Only political demonstration I attend is the global marijuana march
    I think that burning some burning some average dudes Renault is useless and criminal but I've got no problem if they throw rocks at cops.
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