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G13 and Big Buddah Cheese! Must seee.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by buZZiin, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Here is some "G13" as the dude said, that i picked up the other day. 100 a q..a little pricey but i needed something. And it extremely dank! Very fruity smell and taste, most deffinetely an up going high. Overall an awesome smoke :smoke:




    This is the Big Buddah cheese i got today. Im reallly close with the grower and i got this for a little sampler. Its had only a 2 day cure as of now. I will be getting more in a couple weeks, as also will be getting Blueberry gum. :D :D It is VERY dank..possibly my favorite strain i have tried. The smell is soo unique..and kind of the only way to describe it is skunky, and suprisngly cheesey. The high comes fast and a pretty equal high all around. :smoking:






    LETS GO GREENBAY PACKERS! :hello::hello:
  2. Solid pickup. The Big buddah def looks like the best of the two to me.
  3. oh for suree :smoke::smoke:
  4. #4 toaster032, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    I felt it necessary to tell you, the 3rd picture is now my pc wallpaper.

    +rep btw
  5. Chocolate chip toffee pecan cookie that he gave me for free too. Well actually gave me two BUT..... :yummy: :D Made with about a half oz of the cheese trimmings..they are incrediblee! :smoke:

  6. I need a camera with macro! Because I just picked up some G13 and it looks just like your pics. Nice bud man, :3 Hope you're enjoying that smoke
  7. thanks man! come on love? :eek:
  8. High bumpp
  9. Thats one fat cookie man!

    lol at the x box controller and all the loose batteries.
  10. Very nice herb, That cookie looks so delicious man.
  11. i fucken love cheese <3

    nice pickups enjoy.
  12. Just thought i would bump cause this is what i have stayed smoking on for the past almost two months. This cheese and some blueberry gum! sorrry for no picture updates. Cheese sits me on my ass :smoke::smoke: and the Blueberry Gum is like an uplifting high and not as intense. Love them both!
  13. beautiful buds man! that buddah is hairy.

    one thing tho: rotary engines suck :D haha
  14. Thanks guys! and ^^ haha its just one of the 100 or more SuperStreet magazines that i have. im aware of that! :p

  15. sick dude, what are you currently driving?
  16. lol an 02' Chevy S10 exxxtremee hahah. just my transportation for the time. then will be looking for some kind of a big honda guy! ;)

  17. haha word. if you go honda, PLEASEEE keep it N/A, i hate when people tack on compressed air to those engines, they're meant for all-motor bang!

    ive currently got 2 DSMs, a 97 spyder GST, she's my garage queen, with 65k original miles, and my 97 GSX that i picked up about a year ago, about 123k miles :rolleyes: GSX needs a new clutch but i love my spyder.. sooooo much haha.

    good luck finding a nice B20 or something! ;)
  18. Your BBC looks very nice and that cookie = awsomeee
  19. haha all motor deff! and helll yeah man, DSM's are strong! I really like that body style GSX!
  20. hahaha too much oil for the morning :smoking: for some reason i thought it was in a pound size freezer bag. but then i saw the xbox controller and loose battery comment and shabam i was just too high. fat cookie though im sure they were enjoyable when you had them :wave:


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