From what I hear its a electrit pipe not really a vape. If that's cool with u then it would most likely do the trick. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I just got one but haven't tried it yet. They claim that it vapes with small hits and burns with long hits. Gotta try it out tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
If you want a cheap vape but a real vape, Get a Dragon light launch box. It will make you hate the MFLB and buy an real vape even a chinese one from ebay. Any pen vape is going to combust or not vape. I vape E liquid because I quit squared 2 years ago so I looked into this deeply before going the route I did. Currently using Arizer solo and boy does it taste good and not smell!
That's why I got the g pen is because I thought no smell. O well, guess I bought an hundred dollar one hitter. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
G pen is for wax n concentrates only, they made a herb one with snoop dogg called the double g series g pen but it's useless, all pen vapes are for concentrates, tey may have herb attachments but they suck Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I got the Snoop Dogg G-Pen for dry herbs. Not a vape by any means ... totally combusts. I vape and don't want to smoke. I thought it would provide some portability (and it looked cool) along with my Volcano. Yuck.