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g of some beasters I picked up

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by invincible, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Just a gram out of 2 oz of beasters I picked up yesterday. It's nice stuff.

  2. lol cool bro.. smoke on.
  3. lol Yeah I know it's not much, but the rest of it was basically gone. I'm supposedly getting a good amount of brownies and green this weekend, there'll be some good pictures then.
  4. leafy... def. some middies to dro
  5. only 1 picture of a gram out of 2 oz's?
  6. how much did 2oz run you?
  7. I didn't really think to take a picture back when I first got it, and it's pretty much gone now. Hopefully reupping this weekend with a similar amount, so then I'll be able to snap a better pic.

    Ran about 450.
  8. yah that price sounds right... maybe a little on the high. and those beasters look a lil weak but maybe its just because its the last your shit. i used to pick up pounds of beast every week and some batches were good some were not so pretty so maybe next time will be better for u.

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