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G-13 Headies

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by 4Cave2man0, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I recently grabbed an eight of some G-13 heads one picture because my buddy let me use the camera for my first re-up post

    also picked up some regular haze still pretty fire got me toasty ran through a ton of it last night down to a dub need to go grab some more :smoking:
  2. nice lookin' g maneeeee +rep
  3. That's pretty!
  4. sick bud. you live around ohio?
  5. dankity dank man! shit G-13 is my fav
  6. frosty buds brother.
  7. uuugh now i need to a get another pair of boxers....soooo frosty
  8. Lol nah i am from worcester mass first time i ever had it after hearing about it for like 3 years, i want to get ahold of it somehow again and an eighth rolled up about 5 good duthches and got me through a night i was overwhelmed so many crystals now its just haze until i manage another re up

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