Hey guys, I'm working on my first grow right now. I can get the seeds to germinate fine. I put them about 1/4 inch into damp soil and cover with plastic to keep humidity in. I then put them in my growbox with the lights on 24/7 which is about 85 degrees F. Not a single germinated seed has sprouted in like 2 weeks and I've tried several different methods of germination. I looked at one of the seeds that failed to sprout and it looked like it was covered in fuzz or something. Am I doing something wrong? Please please please help!
Did you just grab some seeds and germinate them or did you pick quality seeds? I have had some seeds that have taken two weeks to germinate but afterwords shot up to 6 inches in a few days after. The fuzz may be some kind of mold.
They are good seeds. They germinate fine, like within 2 days, but after I plant them...nothing happens. Ya I thought it might be mold too. Maybe my soil is too wet or something?
Hey, I wouldn't necessarily advise you have 24/7 light and humidity...... the fuzz could be mould from the moisture. Try the paper towel technique, which requires the grower to slightly dampen a toilet tissue or kitchen towel, fold the un-germinated seed into it, and leave it somewhere dark and dry. Often the seeds like air, and room to breathe! Good Luck!
Well I only put it under the light once it is already germinated and planted in the soil. I guess I'm going to try it with the lights off until it pops above soil.
I know this is pretty broad, but does anyone else have any idea why I planted 5 germinated seeds and not a single one sprouted? A couple things I'm unsure of: Whether I'm supposed to have the lights on or off after planting them until they break the surface. How wet the soil should be that I plant it in. I've seen a lot of places say to make it "moist, but not wet." But, wtf does that mean?
light doesn't have much to do with a seed breaking ground. as soon as its up i do 18/6. germinated meaning you saw the taproot? you planted them with the taproot down? damp soil is ok. i keep it damp not soggy for several days while the taproot is digin in. i never cover mine. even so, if you water aggressively before the taproot sinks in it can turn the seed around. dig up the old ones and see what happened & let us know.
Ya they were germinated and I saw the taproot. I put the taproot facing down. On the ones I dug up, there wasn't much a taproot left. I'm going to try letting it grow out a little bit longer before planting the next one, even though some people say to plant it right when it cracks :\