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Future of New Hampshire?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by glazedsoul, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. #1 glazedsoul, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
    Unfortunately, I live in this shitty state and it seems like the one New England state that's badly out of the marijuana loop .I'll be honest you with you, I've always been a smoker and supporter but I went a long time without actually paying attention to the news (bad habit) but recently, with everything going on in the news, I decided to look more into why NH isn't legal or making any progress
    I saw that in the spring, HB 1625 passed in favor of 215-92 which would obviously be a great thing...but then it got denied...I've been seeing that medical marijuana is technically in the state but keeps getting delayed and delayed..
    I don't mean to sound ignorant but I was curious if anybody knowledgeable could give me their prediction on the future of this state when it comes to MJ because ALL I'm reading is conflicting information online...I tried contacting NORML but I haven't heard anything back
    I already know things that I can do to help push the movement but it seems like the people of NH are doing everything right and everything they can do but everything just gets shut you feel this state is doomed or in need of some MASSIVE changes for anything to move forward?

  2. Nothing will happen until YOU do something. Go out and campaign! Nothing will happen if everyone just sits by, acting discontent. 
  3. I fully understand that but I'm somewhat new to the state and still getting settled in with things/trying to meet people so while that IS the type of thing that works, I'd like to MEET some fellow smokers here and worth together with them...I barely know anybody here and yes, I know I could go at it solo but I'm on the shy side...I definitely had an impact in RI when I lived there prior to them getting medical but I knew a lot of like minded the meantime though, I'm just trying to make more sense of what's actually going on here because like I said, all of what I'm reading and learning seems to be contradicting
    I don't see how a bill can get a 215-92 vote and not end up going through but then again, politics aren't my strong point...yet :smoking:
  4. I'd look into ASA, Americans for Safe Access too, if you've tried Norml and they haven't responded. 

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