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Future Government?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Superbeastdj, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. Yes I agree, the media is not our friend. It seems to represent the minority voice but speaks with a large audience to push an agenda. It scares me, the movie "Running Man" is here now. The Technology Revolution has done us no favors, it has centralized everything to control it's population. IMHO

    The house just passed a bill that allows the gov't to eavesdrop without a Search Warrant Over Seas. The bill states that if the Govt "thinks" it is a threat than they can insert themselves into the oversite of such precieved threat. WOW

    Hmmm, and where does this Server sit? Not in the USA :cool:
  2. lol bash, sorry but with an "anarchist country" (a misnomer because 'country' or state technically doesn't exist in anarchy) you wouldn't have this glorious internet to even discuss the topic.


    When you take 10,000 armed men and dethrone a leader the violence you used is remembered, not just by the former leaders but their followers. Give that a little time to percolate and the same feeling that drove you to the white house gates will drive others against you. Not to mention using violence to force your views on a government who made attempts at forcing views on you is just a bit hypocritical.

    social change that lasts is created by more rational viewpoints being understood by larger amounts of people.
  3. Media is the answer. I've done advertising work, and could tell you all the ways people become misinformed. What somebody (or me, or whoever really cares) needs to do is create a small website. By small, I mean not a lot of text, not a lot of graphics, but just enough that someone could easily glance over and get the main idea. You want something (literally) in black and white.

    In this website, you would have a symbol, designed to directly or metaphorically interpret everything this website stands for.

    Below this symbol, you have a few key words. These words are emphasized within brief sentences announcing what must be changed. Staying away from commonly heard words like "Freedom" and "Terror", and replacing them with "Together", and "United". Use words that haven't been spoken since the constitution. Have the people remember what built this country.

    Tell the people that this website isn't to get citizens to vote who don't want to, or picking them out to be national threats, or to support some new legislation, or to promote some unpopular presidential candidate. Tell them that the website is AWARENESS, and that the only thing you need to be aware is your GOD GIVEN BRAIN.

    From there, just spread the word around. Stickers, Digg articles, whatever seems to work these days. That is the first step. In one year, you could easily have your 10,000.

    ::EDIT:: Please don't start saying "abovetheinfluence". I know what that site is, and it's awesome, but that is NOT what I'm talking about.
  4. damn skippy neomega.

    anyone ever heard of memetics? a concept that's existed but was defined by richard dawkins. it's the application of evolutionary theory to the human brain and social change, and suggests that cultural evolution is affected by our genes. Tries to scientifically explain recurring political situations humankind has experienced.
  5. Yes, it may be hypocritical, but

    1. Thats how this country was started, we had a war, we got our independence from the government we didn't like.

    2. We all know the current govt is a big sack of crap, so we kind of have a right to force it out.

    In my opinion. Violence is just human nature, and we wont escape that for a very long time. if ever.

    I would say we could get those 10,000 to march and ask for CHANGE in the government.. but the thing is so darn busted we could never fix it, especially because of the size of it.

    What I would probably like to see is a lot of power returned to the states and individual people. everyone knows we are not in a free voting system, Only what is it, 500 people or so vote and they choose our president, and he chooses many more of our leaders. by saying we can vote for those 500 or so, they make us think we made a difference while they do what they want. Also all the secrecy would be minimized to only the nessisary, the govt would not confiscate videos and detain terrorists, we would inform the public of EVERY aspect of these type of things, because that would be our job, to make sure the entire country knew wtf was going on. Or something like that..

    I mean have you ever counted the votes?

    how do you know they aren't being faked???

    we all just assume, because were in America, that it all goes right and its all fair and free. I don't know, it might be, but the bottom line is we don't know. and no one is going to count 100 million votes by them self.

    Anyway I'm rambling .. I just woke up.. I'ma go toke
  6. exsplane?
  7. I suggest we all take a page out of super's book and toke on it.
  8. Ummm dude what you just did is something called treason, and you can seriously be executed for making this post.
  9. the government has the majority of the american people brainwashed by all there bullshit that has to be true because the government would never lie. fuck that its a bunch of bullshit
  10. No, Treason is what all of the Bush admistration as well as the majorities of administrations have done before him. Rumsfeld and his nazi clan should be tried with treason not the good american people.

    All the rockefellers, JP morgans and such should be tried as treason. Kennedy was murdered because he wished to free the people from the federal reserve and the debt that comes with it.

    We need to wake up and retaliate, the NSA can read this all they want, we are waking up slowly, but it's going to happen. Your despotism and tyranny WILL come to an end.

    Everyone has to watch Zeitgeist or America: Freedom to Fascism.
    Zeitgeist just doesn't appeal to me because it misses the point on religion and causes unecessary arguments, its about banding together to fight the new world order, not arguing over Jesus.

    Fact or fiction it doesn't matter jesus's teachings represent great moral character and a healthy community, isn't that what matters?
  11. Freedom of Speech. Have you ever read the Declaration of Independence?


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