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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jmertz22, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    I hate real onions, but I can eat a whole bag of these in one sitting if I'm baked.

    Greatest munchie cure ever?
  2. Never had them high. but still pretty fire when im sober
  3. Jesus' gift to stoners. Get some Top-The-Tater for that shit and you will cream your pants.
  4. Just had some. Delicious
  5. EW!
    Sorry I hate funyus. Definitely the best high snack is salt n vinegar chips...yummay! But I do like onions...hmm
  6. I eat onions like apples
  7. I eat onions like funyuns.

  8. Eating onions sensually like funyuns

    it's like porn but better
  9. I haven't had funyuns in a long time.

    do you realize what you've done OP?

    Do you??
  10. Munchies are best cure for munchies :hello:


  11. The world's longest Funyun bender I hope.
  12. I can easily polish off a big bag of these fuckers in one sitting. Wash em down with some orange crush............on my way to the store.

  13. fuck me now I want that AND funyuns

    there really should be a little smiley dude eating a turkey leg
  14. funyuns make your breath smell like ass
  15. Cool ranch dorito's :D
  16. Smartfood popcorn is fucking sooooooooooooooo good. I need a drink though, they get your mouth dry. The nacho cheese Munchies...... OH FUCK! Those are where it's at. Pick them up at your local BJ's

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