I have a few. Once I was smoking with my nephew (who got me to start smoking, haha) and we had been hitting a pipe for a while, he takes a hit and hands it to me, I take it and his hand stays there for about 10 minutes. Something I have done now... I once ordered some Chinese food. When he pulled up in front of my house I went to the porch and jumped from the porch to my garage where he was walking almost hitting him. Any of you have some funny incidents?
The other day my freind was blabing on about how their are three types of gray aliens and I just go "what the big ones, the meduims, and the smalls?" and he was like you watched the show too?!?! all happy, I just look back at him and was like no I guessed and everyone started geeking.
One time a buddy of mine swore he saw a UFO while we were smoking last winter. It was a shooting star, we all saw it but he was convinced it was the aliens coming to get us.