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Funny story for you guys

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mrmuffinman, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. So today i went to pick up halo 4 and brought it home. Later on i smoke a bowl and my friend calls me up and wants to go to gamestop to buy himself halo 4 also. We get there and im fucken gone... Anyway he asks for halo 4 and the next thing i remember is borderline yelling " make that two!" totally forgettin i bought it earlier today. I didnt realize what i had done until i got home and turned on my xbox to find halo in the drive with the new one in a bag next to me
  2. I bet you felt like a fool
  3. Man I wish I could get that stoned.
  4. Thats hilarious lol
  5. "Then I went on Grasscity and held a contest for someone to win a halo 4 xbox 360 copy..."

    I'm waiting OP...

  6. Hahaha. Actually i somehow managed to hold onto my receipt and its goin back tommorrow, sorry
  7. hahaha good one dude!

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