funny story about car (not weed related)

Discussion in 'General' started by mike9, May 9, 2009.

  1. well, i walked to the gas station to pick up a few things and on the way back (walking on sidewalk along busy road) this is pretty late at night, midnight~ish, anyways - on the way back a car slows down next to me and throws like a half-eaten pretzel at me and they start laughing at me and shit and they drive off, 5 SECONDS later, down the road - a cop comes out of a school parking lot on the side of the road and pulls them over

    im watching in awe as to what the fuck just happened that these assholes really got pulled over and I see the cop (2 of em) searching the car and as im walking by i see one kid get arrested and put in the back seat of the car LOL

    karma bitch!
  2. you should have went over and talked the cop into letting you throw the pretzel at them lol

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