funny stories

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by new_grower123, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. lets see here, dont you love it when you friends get high and just talk about random ass shit,like my friend rob one time was talking about how if you leave the galaxy all you will see is past times lol.

    my friend got high on salvia and all he could say was "im a tube"

    i got really really really high with my girlfriend,made brownies and fell asleap and they cooked for like 4 hours.

    lets hear some other stories
  2. A few days ago I was baked off my ass checkin my crops here a noise look over and see a black object scared shitless thinking it's a bear and it just ends up running off and only being a turkey
  3. lol i shot a turkey like 2 weeks ago
  4. oh yeha, one time i got high and took my friends trumpet and farted in it and it made a loud trumpet noise
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