so i just wanted to share this cuz i was thinking about it earlier and it seems kinda funny. so anyways about 2 years ago i was living in a 2 bdrm apartment while going to college and i shared the master bedroom with a friend. it was sick. he got me started smoking weed so i'll always love him for that! anyhow, our other 2 roommates were hardcore christians so we'd always have to hide smoking weed in the house. one time we cooked brownies and we couldnt hide the scent very well. anyways, we had this crazy fucker who lived downstairs. he was like 25 and did drugs and tried to fight my roommate a couple times. one night we were loud as fuck and he actually came INTO our apartment cuz our door wasnt logged and opened OUR master bedroom door and started yelling at us. my roommate freaked out on him and told him to get the fuck out of our house. well the next day all my roommates were fuckin gone. i was sketched out all day to go outside cuz i was worried id run into him. anyways i went and bought weed at about 7pm. didnt see him. got home and got baked off my ass off some kush. everyone was gone for the night. i was got so fucking stoned and paranoid that i actually went into the living room and got like a bunch of pillows and blankets and "built" fake people on the ground to make it look like there were a bunch of people at my house in case the guy were to come try to sneak in our knock our door down. i mean i made them look so real! i set shit by them and turned on the living room light so if you were to peek into the window you'd see like 5-6 "people" all asleep....with the light on...and the tv...LOL... fuck this isnt as funny as it seemed in my mind but oh well.... im baked as fuck