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funny smelling weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by J_Robot_Houston, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. have you ever bought some weed and smelled funny or different?
    like this one time i went with my homeboys D
    and he gave us some shit that smelled like roach spray or like fuckin
    gasoline....i t was alright none the less.
  2. i think it was sprayed with something. diff strains have diff smell btw, but all of em should smell like weed, not gasoline.
  3. Yep. Some dumb ass sold me some weed that was supposed to be, "Sour diesel", and the dealer didn't know it was a strain, and thought you just put gasoline on it. So i smoked that, and yeah. Made my bowl perma-smell too.
  4. is your dealer like 10 years old?
  5. No, but he's about as idiotic as someone that old.
  6. lol...time to get a new dealer man
  7. well lmao idk what it was smelled like it was in the oven or some shit.
  8. That was a long time ago. Best believe I did get a new one.

    Well, I really don't use just one dealer, I have a variety of dealers, just incase one is dry, or if one fucks me over.
  9. Mine smelled like windex one time, literally we went and got a windex bottle and they smelled the same (Not as strong ofcourse) I think my dealer spray my weed with water that was in a windex bottle. Thus making it weigh more. Oh well u live you learn :D
  10. Usually when we get weed it smells skunky, but this one strain called Whitetail or something had barely no smell, it wasn't skunky at all though. Got us suuuperrr high though.

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