You knew this thread was coming. I don't know about you, but I'm easily amazed by Siri. I have an iPhone 4 but being jail broke I searched the web for Siri on iPhone 4, so I'm just not having fun with it.
Edit : Edit:* I'm too damn high to be here. But I will be uploading more pics as I fuck with my female robotic voice software.
How do you get Siri for Iphone 4? My phone is jailbroken too but I didn't know you could get Siri, that's fuckin cool
I'll send you a link to the site I got it from, but you'll have to follow the directions carefully an even read some comments to figure it out. I was skeptic, but it really does work.
[quote name='"jcofillinois"']I'll send you a link to the site I got it from, but you'll have to follow the directions carefully an even read some comments to figure it out. I was skeptic, but it really does work.[/quote] Oh alright cool, is it on Cydia or something?
So I downloaded an android app called skyvi which is supposedly a really good siri rip off. This happened haha. But it pronounced it as "mary-jana" Edit Well fuck the picture messed up. It went: What is your favorite drug? Medical marijuana And it prefers blunts over joints.
[quote name='"ieatbicycles"']Trololol[/quote] Is that on android or is a it just a winter board theme?
[quote name='"jcofillinois"'] Is that on android or is a it just a winter board theme?[/quote] Winterboard
[quote name='"jcofillinois"'] Is that on android or is a it just a winter board theme?[/quote] Its a Winterboard theme.