Funny fact.

Discussion in 'General' started by Derrick14, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300C. The Russians used a pencil. :smoke:
  2. That's funny...:laughing::laughing::laughing:

    Government efficiency at work....
  3. In Russia pen write you!
  4. We need the statue of libery to face palm for this one
  5. It's funny. Not true, but funny.
  6. Yeah and those funky Russians had to lug around a pencil sharpener too!

    Pen > pencil anyways
  7. rofl USA USA USA! :laughing:
  8. #8 smokeRises, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    you got that from Man of the Year, robin williams character says that at the beginning of the movie. am i right?

    EDIT: well i am right, i don't know if that's where you got it from though.

    here's the quote:
  9. Pencil > Pen

    For many different reasons.
  10. pen always beats pencil..pencil breaks and its always a mission and a half to find a sharpener, and when its done to the donzeos part, its like writing with a piece of hair. pens are consistent..they work or don't, and when they don't, you buy a new refil :hello:
  11. Yeah but that shit smears and if you fuck up you cant erase.

  12. [​IMG]

    Your move.
  13. You can't erase with a pen. (I stand corrected)
    If the ink clogs you're fucked.
    If the ink runs out, you're fucked.
    A pencils size is customizable.
    And lastly,
    If you break a pencil in half you now have two pencils.


  14. All you have to do to unclog a pen is roll the ball over a little water, usually.

    Pens typically last longer than pencils, you get more writing out of the same amount of ink than you do carbon from a pencil.

    Are pens not?

    Actually, you just have one pencil without an eraser, and an eraser on a stick.
  15. What about chalk?

  16. have you ever customized the size of your teeheehee, see what i just did there
  17. Meh, that rarely works.

    +1 for pens

    On-the-spot customizable? No.

    No. You have a pencil without an eraser and a pencil with an eraser.

    Woo! Go pencils!
  18. they spent 12 million, not 12 billion.

    12 million is nothing to the government

  19. Eventually it becomes permanent :cool:

  20. [​IMG]

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