Im staying home from school today to get high as hell. and i used the excuse that i was dehydrated. my mom is so gullable its awsome..but im about to go hotbox in my jeep haha lets here some others?
not really an excuse but i called off work the other day, stoned as hell as usual. me: hey is there anyone to cover my shift... manager: im not sure why? me: because that would be amazing... ok. me: hehehe...k bye.
Woke up and decidie that if my sociology teacher really wanted me to go to class, then he wouldn't have given me a test last class. All we are going to do is go over the test... And I couldn't disrespect him by going to economics when I wouldn't go to his class. So looks like I can go back to bed now. Was awake for about 30 seconds and convinced myself that I wasn't going to class
haha i used to work at a supermarket...i worked there for like a year and a i decided i wanted to quit so instead of gettin 2 weeks and that shit i just stopped showing up (lol its how everyone quits at that job). so my boss called me on the first day when i staight up stopped excuse was "uh......i had to leave early for college cuz i had baseball" i was hella stoned when she called me and she knows for a fact that i dont play baseball lol...never heard from the place again after that lol another time i called outta work cuz i wanted to shroom for my first time...i forgot about calling out so i had to call out when i was tripping my nuts off for my first time ever lol...this is the convo: boss - hello me - hello...its (my name) sick today...cant work...bye (then i hung up) i called outta work today but im actually sick one of my buddies told his boss one time that it was his girlfriends birthday and he couldnt go to work...and he didnt even have a girlfriend lol
Ive used plenty Calling in to say you've got a flat tire Callin in to say you got in a car accident (always better when you have dents/scrapes on your car to show them lol) Callin in due to asthma problems (during spring n fall) Callin in to say you lent your car to your brother and hes still gone Callin in saying you have jury duty Or my favorite, just callin in and saying you have good ol diarhhea...most often they dont even want to talk to you after you say that haha
Not really an excuse to stay home per se, but I had one teacher senior year who either didn't care, was too much of a pushover, or was completely oblivious. Me and my friend would come into class late after blazing and we'd just be like "sorry, we were smokin a fatty" and she'd just laugh as if we were joking. She was nice though and I got on well with her, it wasn't like I was treating her badly.
There was a time I felt like callin off work...I mean I really didn't feel like goin...So what I did was roll a fat ass blunt of mids and smoked it until i got fucked up!! So when I called off I said I couldn't make it to work because my head was spinning and I was in no condition to drive due to being dizzy and nausea So they fell for it and I got to stay home and finish that blunt!!
I work 2 jobs, so I blame one on the other. Like "Oh I cant come in till later - I gotta work late here" - even if Im off lol
I once called in just to chill around and smoke weed after working for like 2 weeks straight, I woke up one morning and was hanging my head off the edge of my bed and I sounded like I was clogged up sinus wise, so I called my boss and said "Yeah, I'm sick, can't come in today"
I called my guitar instructor and told him I was too stoned to drive to class....he told me he was to stoned to teach and then hung up. Thats the funniest but I always skipped when I felt like it and no one bothered me lol
DUde whaat is our record right now? ha i think ive smked evryday since wednesday or thursday...time to re up
i was tripping on lsd and called my manager and said, "dude... i cant come to work, i only have one hat and it is trippy as fuckk" and he said," are you all right man? you know you better not be on anything we have drug tests tomaro...." and then i hung up and freaked out, only to realize lsd doesn't show up on the test
Ive used explosive diaherea as an excuse plenty of times, but i think they figured out it was bullshit after i used it like 5 times.
i just call and say i'm having diarrhea and it won't stop. they never question it, they know my diet.