I was on Facebook just now when my friend messaged me. This is the conversation we had. The funny thing with her is that you can never tell if she's high or not cause she acts high all the time, even when she's not. I felt like this conversation should be posted somewhere, cause it was too funny to be forgotten. Sarah: why are you on homework ! >.< Me: .......... Take a moment to realize what you just said. Sarah: haha well put a period inbetween on and homework lol Me: lol I need you to help me tomorrow, cause I'm completely lost. It's algebra. Sarah: ohh i like algebra Me: Great! Do you like absolute value equations? Sarah: well ill have to refresh my moeory Me: lol okay. Sarah: but no problem il will help. talking about home work i should be doing it lol Me: lol What are you doing on homework!!! Why the hell did you just send me a message? Sarah: what message? Me: lol Sarah: um reache and gov and math and um costum and more math, ooo bio i have a lot Me: wtf Sarah. That answers no question. Sarah: oh nvm Me: You are random as hell, and you just sent me a message about having to refresh your memory. lol ily Sarah: a message where? Me: ON FACEBOOK! omg Are you alright? Sarah: like on privet message like inbox? Me: yes... Sarah: oh just forget about it Me: ? Sarah: it never happend Me: Sarah? Sarah: yes? Me: WHAT THE HELL??? You are confusing the shit out of me. Sarah: im sorry ill set it stright. on. homework, i have homework to. i dont know where that message came from. no im not high. is that better? do you have like fake frogs that i can have? or frog like creaters? an dlemon juice Me: uhm no Sarah: and lemon Me sorry? Sarah: ITS OKAY Me: Uh, why??? Sarah: oh i want to rip them aprat and put them in jars with blood. and the lemon juice so i can shrink heads Sarah is offline. (She texted me just now as I was writing this to say it's for Halloween, and that she's not insane and doesn't want real frogs...)
dude that sounds a lot like my convos with my friends while im high.. there always sooo funny il post one i remember right now. Friend- yoh im hungry... me- omg me 2... mcdonalds? friend- were broke.. me- omg chicken would be so good wait no!! uhm friend- dude not chicken... brownies me- no why? friend- what are you talking about? (we started kicking an playing shot for shot) me- dude caaaakeeeee.... friend- cake? me- yeah man cake mmm omg so good you got cake? friend- no man... we dont got cake we ended up finding some chineas food we had chicken balls and rice... was a big mess we ate the rice with our hands, good timeessss
Well someones definitely not 18.. I cant stand people who "act high". She actually just sounds pretty dumb
Yeah, she is pretty airheaded most of the time, but she's actually pretty smart. She's just not good at organizing thoughts. Or spelling. And yeah, I get a lot of that because of my being in algebra. I'm 18, but I failed Alg 2 last year, so I had to retake it to get the credits.
Sarah: oh i want to rip them aprat and put them in jars with blood. and the lemon juice so i can shrink heads Sarah is offline. This is something my friend would do, text or facebook chat me and then sign off or not reply. I laughed
lol Would your friend typically say something weird as fuck before disappearing? My friends do that often. Sometimes I think it's purposely to mess with me.
Haha why? Not hot, but not ugly, either. She's average, I guess. She's bi, though, so that must be a plus, right? Personally, I think I'm hotter, and I mean that in a completely non-bitchy non-braggy kind of way.
My friend bumps into me while Im sitting down Him: Sorry Milli, I didnt see you. Me: Neither did I. Him: What? You're stoned? Me: Minivan...
I like this conversation better: ring ring ring..... Pizza hut delivery dude: Sup? Me: ...umm... Dude: Whattup girl, you know what you want? Me: (at home eating pizza)