man i watched this thinking it was soposed to be serious and ended up laughing my ass off.
i was like .. wow is this soposed to be serious [when i saw the people] lol man i couldnt stop laughing idk if it was just me
A parody of an anti-pot commercial, warning of the violent and destructive effects of the drug on the human body... As seen in "Likehell: The Movie" ( (Co-written by the inimitable Ingrid Soderberg) that was in the text box to the right of the video...
ok dickhead i was watching it on a website so there was nothing to read about the video... just press play.
A: why am I a dickhead? B: how did you get the youtube video link without being on the youtube page? C: -rep
was embeded on a website and i clicked on it watched it then went to youtube.. are you going to cry over a website...
this is even funnier ahaaahhahahah [ame=""]YouTube - Really Pretty Girl Doing Cocaine on the toilet[/ame]
That's what she gets for sniffing coke off of something people's asses are on, idc how clean it looks its a toilet.
What's up with the hostility? He did nothing to provoke you into calling him a "dickhead" and then you won't let up. All he did was point out for everyone that the video was a parody. Please chill out dude. If there's one messageboard where there shouldn't be flaming, it's here.
thanks. am I going to cry over a website? I didn't realize tears could go through a website. The amount of immaturity and stupidity you have shown through these past few posts is hilarious. keep em comin!