Funniest Videos to Watch When High?

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by Lahey_is_the_Liquor, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. I usually watch YTPs. They are 100x funnier when high, just like anything I watch on Netflix. Comment below what videos you love to watch when stoned. Maybe I'll even give them a try!
  2. I liked this one. Maybe it's more melodramatic than funny:

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  3. I religiously watch the channel Cow Chop baked. It's a must to smoke before you watch their videos. Same with UberHaxorNova when he uploads Mario Maker.

    Try this mario maker.

  4. Not really funny, but mesmerizing. Don't worry, the cover picture is racier than the rest of the video.

  5. Well the epic classics of course, the first being the "Can't cuck the Tuck" series

    And secondly, of course, the "Can't stump the Trump" series
  6. will try to watch these later :love-m3j:
  7. The first time I ever got high , my friends and I found/watched this . I regret nothing.

  8. A friend of mine just showed me this video. It is so romantic :p.

    And I've been watching more Shooter Williamson videos. He has a really dirty sense of humor.

  9. Noticed you said you liked ytp's, these are a few of my favorites


  10. enjoy fellow tokers ;)
  11. Rick and Morty
    F is for Family
    South park
  12. watch this ! its under 3 minutes.

    and this : its 2 minutes

  13. 0:35 is where the legend really begins
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. 0:47 never forget
    • Like Like x 1

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