funniest or embarassing drive-through moments

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by mr dylan, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. what are your funniest drive-through moments (while high)? Here is mine:

    After hockey practice me and a couple guys went and got blazed and decided to go to Tim Hortons (it is really famous in Canada but I'm not so sure about the US).

    friends: hey you order we don't want to
    me: fine, what do you want?
    friend 1: a lemon dipped donut
    me: whats a mala dipped donut!?!
    friend 1: l-e-m-o-n dipped
    me: oh haha

    cashier: hi, can i take your order
    me: yeah, i'll have 2 lemon dipped donuts
    cashier: we don't carry those
    friend 1: fuck. ask her what they have
    me: then what do you have

    she then lists like fifteen different donuts

    me: fine, i'll take 2 lemon dipped donuts (as serious as you can be)
    friends: laughing their asses off

    i then realize what just happened and laugh until i cry. i then roll up my window and refuse to order.

    we just rip out of there as fast as possible
  2. lol

    recent one is i was at the drive thru of wendys arguing with the lady that they had polynesian sauce when she was telling me different. for some reason i thought wendys called it that but thats chik fil a only
  3. Haha nice.

    Well I guess my story was funny at the time (kind of):

    Cashier: Hi! welcome to taco bell
    Friend1: Hi may I have a number 7 and-----
    Friend2(interrupt): I WANT TACOS YOU TACO BITCH!! GIVE ME TACO!
    Cashier: You can leave now, sir.

    So we left and my friend is pretty much hyperventilating from laughing so much. I laughed at first but then realized we didn't have any food... The driver and I were a bit irritated after that but it was kind of funny
  4. once me and my friend went to in n' out :smoking:. my friend got 1 triple triple and he only had a 50. i was driving and when we went to pay the casshier said 4something. while i was handing him the 50 i looked at him then the 50 and started cracking up. hes just stared at me hella serious. i got my shit together within a few seconds, then he starts counting the 45 dollars in change and we both start cracking up. i booked it to the next window.
  5. [quote name='InebriatedEwok']Haha nice.

    Friend2(interrupt): I WANT TACOS YOU TACO BITCH!! GIVE ME TACO!

    LOL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This FTW :hello::hello::hello::hello:
  6. Went to a drive through burger joint called Tommy's. They are known for their chili burgers. Well, my friend and I go and order our usual double cheeseburger combo. We get our food and drive into their parking lot to eat inside the car.

    Well my friend takes two bites of his burger and immediately puts it down. He proceeds to drive back into the drive thru and hands them the burger. He looks at them and says, "what the hell, you guys forgot the beef or what. I want a new burger."

    The drive thru dude looks at him puzzled with a facial expession of "wtf are you talking about" kinda look at my friend. My friend is just sitting there, looking forward waiting for the burger flipper to go make him a new burger.

    The worker then lifts the top bun and shows it to my friend, pointing at the two peices of patty that was pushed outta the buns when he took a bite of his burger. The funny part is, my friend thought about this and thats why he took another bite, to make sure he didnt miss the patty. I started busting up, my friend just takes the burger back from the drive thru guy and bones the hell out.

    He lives like 5 mins from this burger joint and hasn't gone back to that place. He no longer smokes weed cuz it just makes him miss stupid shit like that and bastard.
  7. ok so me and my friend go to taco bell and she explains that she should order from the passenger seat because were both to fucked up and she could control herself better so while ordering she goes
    Friend: "can i get a steak quesadilla (completely butchers pronunciation of quesadilla) with tomatoes?"
    Worker: do you want the tomatoes on the side or in it?
    Friend: in it...with tomatoes.

    we almost died laughing so hard.
  8. This isn't really a story, but I can hardly ever order at Taco Bell stoned without laughing hysterically at how cliche I am.
  9. my friend bill and tony went to a mcdonalds drive thru and bill was placing his order and he said "do you want anything?" to tony and tony leaned over to the window and yelled "yea ill take a blowjob"

    yeah, they didn't get their food.
  10. it was around 9 on one of those nice warm summer nights. windows down and music blaring. my bud tells me to hit up to local taco-hut (its a taco bell and pizza hut combined) so we hit the drive through. he says instead of trying to do seperate orders (which taco-hut cannot do correctly for some reason.) he will go inside and i will go through the drive through.

    now, i know this place broadcasts drive though orders out of a speaker so the cooks and shit can hear them. so i pull up, getting ready for the best scottish/brittish voice i can do and yell

    Me: OI!!!!!
    TH: uh yes can i get take your order"
    Me: EH, HOLD ON A TICK MATE, (talk softly but he can still here me) eh, what eh fuck is thish shit. fucking cunts trying to sell me poorly made food.
    TH: excuse me?
    TH: sorry....
    TH: uh what?

    long pause.....

    TH: alright that will be...
    i cut him off
    TH: uh yes.
    Me: OK!!

    well got my food and met my bud outside. turns out the whole place echo'd with my yells, curse's and remarks. people turned too see what tom commotion was and finnaly manedgement came and turned the volume down.
  11. somebody spit

    idk my friends and I are stupid sometimes at the drive thru's especially when theres a penny left in change and we sit there for around 20 seconds lauhging hysterically for no reason getting dirty looks
  12. Haha going through wendy's drivethrew pretty late at night one time with my buds.

    So we order our food, it took us like 5 min but that wasn't the embarrassing part.

    I drive up to the first window to pay and I'm far away so at the last minute I try to get closer so I'm crooked as fuck with like 4 cars behind me haha.

    So I ended up having to get out of my car to pay for it and the guy was like "I want whatever you're smoking"

    So we cracked the fuck up and went on our way :smoking:
  13. Wait dude.... Tommy's has a drive thru, since when. You going to the original or which one. I've never been able to enjoy such a legendary burger without leaving my care before, I must try this.
  14. I was kicked out of a drive thru once.

    Me and a buddy were at burger king, he's driving. So we pull up to the intercom and the guy says 'hold on' or whatever. So we're just chatting away, you know casually cussing and what not as teenagers do. I have no clue what we were talking about or why we were being so vulgar, but it was a regular conversation.

    A few seconds later the guy comes on again and say something to the effect of, "Hey guys we have customers and employees who can hear you so i'm gonna have to ask you to watch your language." Wtf right? He's the one who left the intercom thing on speakerphone or whatever and we're in our vehicle!

    So anyway, my friend is basically the biggest smart ass i know, so his response to the guy is "ummmmm ooookaaaaaaaaaay." then the guy said 'you know what guys? you can just have a good night." Before we even ordered!!! Fuckass. So before we left we screamed a bunch of obscenities into the speaker and continued saying them as we drove by the windows and i haven't been back to that burger king since.
  15. Couple weeks ago my friend and I were at a burger king drive through, and we order fine, but i pulled up the first window and waited nearly 20 min. for our food when i realized there was a sign on the window that said pull up to next window.
  16. Oh hahahahahahaha that suuuuuucks

  17. the only one i have been to in cali has a drive thru for Tommy's lol. that place is so damn good. :)
  18. #18 thrillville, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    okay mine started off because my friend dustin always would say dumb shit like "im not that high," and "lets smoke smoke more, or a blunt." so he visited me at school and he hadnt really ever smoked good weed. so i made 2 gravity bongs. me and my friend david just went back and forth 4 times so my friend got a total of 8 GB's in 2 minutes. he was so baked. i was still feeling like being a dick so i was like alright mane drive us to wendys. he drove 5 guys in his silver gmc jimmy. including our azn friend who doesnt smoke often. it took us fuckin 45 minutes to go a mile and back cause he was so retarded high. the best part of the trip was right after we pull out of wendys we pull up to a stop light that my dumbass friend almost runs the stoplight and we are just dieing laughin when all of a sudden this junker just flys by us and runs the light and we all fuckin lose it. it was so funny at the moment. ill never forget hearing my azn friend squealing for his life.
  19. lol wtf is a lemon dipped donut?!

    I wnet to subway high from my growin homie's newly cured shit and this is how it goes:

    Cashier: may I take your order?
    Me: I'll take a turkey club sammich
    cashier: What bread?
    me: uh, turkey, mayo, lettuce etc. etc.
    cashier: well I'll need to know what bread you want first
    me: turkey, mayo, lettuce etc. etc.
    cashier: what bread, sir?
    me: oh.... oh shit

    then I proceed to rip the fuck outta there and go to burger king cause it's easier :smoking:
  20. lmfao

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