[ame=http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=375_1263347833]LiveLeak.com - Hilarious Prankster Highlights 10 Years Of Pissing Off Everyone With His Antics[/ame] apparently this guy is a comedian in France. this is literally the hardest i've laughed in months.
This ones funny as hell too LMAO.... [ame=http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1ad_1259361911]LiveLeak.com - The Farting Turkey[/ame]
That guy is hilarious, he is also pretty damn amazing with a soccer ball, look on youtube of that guy doing soccer tricks, its neat stuff, Ill try and find it later.
That is awesome. I laughed through pretty much all of it. Really liked the football things. I can't believe those dicks tried to hit him with their golf clubs. Priceless. Pretty accurate kick too.
thanks for sharing man i haven't laughed that hard in awhile. i feel like everyone should own atleast one animal suit. i like the kangaroo one
Ahh yes now I remember his name is Remi Gaillard. Check this out, amazing! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3LRf2DqwZA]YouTube - FOOT 2009 (REMI GAILLARD)[/ame]