Fungi Gnats Sucking The Life Outta My Babies! PLZ HELP

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by bluntedout, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. So I have 23 plants that started as clones and about 4 weeks old in potted soil now. my problem is these gnats are all over and are so annoying because they just keep multiplying!:mad: Today I finally noticed how damaging these little bastards are, some of the leaves were losing color and getting little white spots on them. So i went to the store and got those yellow sticky things which are pretty effective so far, but I need to figure out how to kill the the larvae which is in the soil. What is the safest best effective treatment? Everytime Im at the store looking at insectisides I get nervous of killing my babies and end up leaving the store empty handed. So today was pretty much my wake up call to start doing something this instant! Anybody know anything? help me out please and thank you:p

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