Picked up this chillum off Etsy from seller BlazenGlassArt. I asked for a few specific things (black/white scheme, flat mouthpiece, and a specific length.) He had it made for me and I recieved it within 4 days. Really good stand up guy. You can't beat it for $15. Some pics comparing it to my "old" daily driver. BlaznGlass's pics Note the shape of the bowl, main reason I picked it up. Very square like and the whole thing cherries like no other. I used to be able to fit roughly .2-.3 into the old chillum. This thing can pack a gram easily. Thing FUCKING RIPS. My first REAL chillum, man I didn't know these things can hit so hard.
Thats a sick looking chillum.. I love my grav labs chillum! It used to be my daily driver till i got the mflb
Mis-spelled and I didnt put the full name, haha. Blazen Glass Art by BlazenGlassArt on Etsy I'm telling you though, thing cherries like a fat cigar. I couldn't believe how much smoke I was exhaling.