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Fun with bongs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by autobahn, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I am a girl with an extensive collection of nail polish, stickers, glitter etc. When I make pieces out of bottles I like to decorate with fun designs. You can put stickers on areas that don't get too hot. You can paint it with nail polish (but be careful, when it's still wet, it's flammable).

    With bongs, you can put food dye in the water. What's really cool is adding 1 drop of 2 different awesome colors that, when blended also make awesome colors and then to take a hit. When it bubbles it blends them together and it's just so pretty! It also doesn't make it harsh or anything, but be careful about it staining yourself, and the bong.

    I had an idea of putting glitter in a bong. I tried it and it was as awesome as I thought it would be but it was really harsh. So, if you can find a fine-grained enough glitter go for it. Also, if you can handle it being a little harsh, it's so cool!! (try glow in the dark glitter in a black light??)

    You know how there are little colored/ light up ice cubes.... Yes they look so neat just bobbing around in bong water. Also, you could get little rubber or plastic kids' toy animals... They're about the size of a quarter at the biggest. Little fish or whatever... Anyway...They are also really neat in bong water. [​IMG]

    Any other cool things you can think of to add about making/ decorating pieces that would be great!
  2. Didn't you make this same thread before?
  3. No doubt your a chick, fuckin decorating your bong with glitter and shit :smoke:

    Good intentions but..

    I use bongs to simply get high :smoke:
  4. i like to decorate mine with a nice fat dank nug.....

  5. Lets see some pix!!!
  6. How would glitter... make the hit harsh? Justwonderin. :p
  7. True and very sad story.....I have no bongs. I decorate other peoples' bongs... All I have is a sobe bottle grav bong and a lot of pipes :(... But when I do get one I'll def add pic
  8. I does make it a tad bit more harsh. So I wouldn't say to have the glitter in it all the time. But there's the special occasion with a group and a black light or whatever that would make it bad ass. Especially glow in the dark glitter...
  9. my decorations are my bowl and keck clip lol

  10. jaja agreed, killer glass designs and matching keck clips for me:D altho this chick does have some ideas i wanna try now

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