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Fun/trippy ipod apps?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by eastviewtoker22, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. what are some of your favorite ipod apps to play when your high?
  2. I wish people would respond to this, I'm also interested in some iTouch applications.
  3. I think if im not mistaking theirs a scale for the iphone but not touch
  4. I love these 2 apps and their only .99 a piece:

    Spawn Illuminati
    [iTunes Store] Itunes Link


    [iTunes Store]
  5. funny i just bought i ipod touch.... I've been playing the moron test
  6. iCopter, Falling Balls, Ragdoll Blast, or DoodleJump.
    Those are all under 2 bucks and are pretty addicting.
  7. I HAD the scale app and it sucks ass! When i set it on the table it was like -1.3 grams. :confused:

  8. Sounds stupid but maybe your table isn't level.
    I heard that the ipod has to be perfectly level or the meter inside the ipod goes nuts.
  9. Yes the table was level lol.
  10. Dont you have to balance it on your finger or something?

    Im also interested in ipod apps cause Im probably gonna invest in an iPhone the next couple days.:D
  11. Get the app if you dont believe me haha.

    And if your going to get an ipod jail break that shit!
  12. [ame=""]YouTube - iPhone Digital Scale Demo! - Install Jailbreak App iScale[/ame]

    does thing srsly cost $$$?:p
  13. #13 Mcoogle, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    If you have an iphone or an ipod touch with a microphone then you can do this:

    Its really crazy guys, ok go to the appstore and search for the app Amplify'd. Buy it... trust me

    Once you open it up just plug in some headphones and you will have super hearing... I opened my window, rested my phone on the windowsill, then just lay in bed and listened to everything... I could hear a conversation at my neighbors house in there backyard.

    It's also good when you smoke so much your hearing becomes impaired.
  14. Jailbreak it, man.
    NES emulators and such. All the stoney goodness you'll need. haha!
  15. sry for the noob question...

  16. More or less, yes.
    It downgrades the firmware if I remember correctly, and that let's you put features on it that apple would normally have blocked.
  17. ohhhhh likke allowing 3rd party shit. NIIICEEE.

    [ame=""]YouTube - southpark - nice[/ame]
  18. that sounds hella tight:smoking:

  19. JailBreaking is NOT downgrading it to older firmware, I have an ipod touch 1g thats jalilbroken with the firmware 3.1.2...........
  20. [quote name='"shauny"']My mates made this website with pretty chilled apps to play when your baked, its not 100% finished yet, but they have some fukn sweet apps. its called hope it helps[/quote]

    RJDJ is THE trippiest shit out there! o_o

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