Fun imigration facts!

Discussion in 'General' started by stoned budda, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Is America unfair when it comes to our immigration policies as some would have us believe?
    Here some interesting facts, you decide!

    Saudi Arabia>

    Population: 28 Million

    Number of immigrants: 6 Million

    Estimated number of illegal immigrants: 8.8 Million

    New citizenship's granted per year: Very few. As immigrants are commonly tortured and made slaves, if per chance the Saudi government does find them, they are tortured and jailed.


    Population: 127 Million

    Number of immigrants: 2 million

    Est. number of illegals: 240,000

    New citizenship's granted per year: 15000

    Penalty for illegal entry: Fines and three years in jail.

    Japan list their number one concern of immigration as the upsetting of the social fabric of their country and culture.


    Population: 109 Million

    Number of immigrants: 644000

    Estimated number of illegals: 250,000

    New citizenship's granted per year: 1600

    Penalties for illegal entry: 10 years in prison!

    The thing that's ironic is that 12% of the Mexican population lives in the United States!

    United States>

    Population: 301 Million

    Number of immigrants: 38 Million

    Est, number of illegals: 12-20 Million

    New citizenship's granted per year: 1 million

    Penalties for illegal entry: fine 6 MONTHS IN JAIL!
  2. yes. they should get the death penalty.

    only if they come from Mexico though. Canadians are welcome :wave:
  3. You're ignorant. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants.
  4. Yeah because I was serious right...
  5. nah im completely serious.

    if they dont want to go through the legal way of entering this country,

    take em out and shoot em.

    ^^ apparently people dont understand this is a goddamn joke, like most of my posts.
  6. Agreed. I was actually tinking about taking my two weeks this year to go down and volunteer with some minutemen to keep them the fuck out. I just need to do some reading about taking my hardware across all those states. I welcome with open arms those who do it legally.
  7. loll America FUCK YAAAAAAAAAAA

    ps. You guys don't realize how stupid it makes you look when you say things like this;

  8. I know a few illegal immigrants and i have to say they are the nicest and hardest workers ever. Even though they are still illegal i really like them and want them to stay in the country.
  9. ^^ It was his view point, and I don't believe it made him sound stupid at all.. He obviously feels strongly about this subject and so do I..

    I think saudi's got the right idea!!
    If we find em, make em our slaves and torture em and jail em... That would most definitely keep the illegal aliens out of this damn country! Who the hell in their right mind would risk becoming a slave and be tortured?! It is very harsh, but it would so work and our economy would sky rocket...

    I welcome all of the immigrants that want to come into this country legally.
  10. if your an illigal immigrant and caught they should insert a microchip into your body and kick you out. if your caught again, you will be shot.
  11. I'm sure that the first Europeans who came to this country entered illegally and treated the current residents of America at that time (the Native Americans) with respect. No, America exists as it does because of illegal immigration; Europeans slaughtered the Indians and kicked them off of their land; I'm pretty sure this is the definition of illegal immigration.

    The pure ignorance and hatred present in the previous comments is astounding. It seems as if people just need a group to discriminate against (Blacks, jews, illegal immigrants, gays, etc...). I love how illegal immigrants are getting the blame for poor government policy. Jobs are being shipped overseas, foreclosures are at an all time high, and so on. Undocumented workers provide an extremely valuable service for our faltering economy and all you care about is your xenophoboic propensities. I mean, honestly, threatening to shoot someone is just sickening and is pretty reflective of how you feel towards your fellow man.

    Yes, they are illegal immigrants, however not all laws are just. If the law needs to be changed, then the legislature should do it; however they have done anything. If you were dirt poor and couldn't find work to support your family, you would do the SAME exact thing. I'd love to see the roles reversed.

  12. Here are some statistics from the Los Angeles Times:

    40 percent of all workers are working for cash and not paying taxes. Why would they want to be legal and pay taxes? They would be able to start bringing the rest of their families to the USA.

    75 percent of people on L.A.'s most-wanted list are illegal aliens.

    Over two-thirds of all births are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by the taxpayers.

    Nearly 25 percent of all inmates in California detention centers are here illegally.

    Over 300,000 illegals are living in garages.

    The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegals from south of the border.

    Nearly 60 percent of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

    Of the 10 million people in Los Angeles County, 5.1 million speak English and 3.9 million speak Spanish.

    21 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish speaking.

    More statistics:

    Less than 2 percent of illegals are picking crops but 29 percent are on welfare.

    Over 70 percent of the U.S. annual population growth (over 90 percent of California, Florida and New York) are from immigration.

    29 percent of inmates in the federal prisons are illegal aliens.

    The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a negative.

    They also send between about $15 billion back to Mexico to assist their families and prop up the corrupt Mexican government that keeps most of its citizens in poverty. How about a revolt in their own country!

    It cost Los Angeles $276 million in welfare costs for 100,000 children of illegal aliens.
  13. ^^^ hahaa owned.

    i only need one example.

    the construction industry.

    the legal citizen used to be able to make a decent living working construction.

    now all these fucking illegals are able to work for way way way less.


    the foremen dont give a fuck if theyre legal or not, its more money in their pocket.

    what the fuck.

    i quit after 4 years of construction when fucking illegals who couldnt even speak fucking english caused me to break my leg onsite.

    they couldnt understand what i was saying, and i suffered as a result.

    fuck that shit.

    so youre saying that because theyre dirt poor, we should change our legislation because they dont want to follow the same rules as everyone else who tries to enter this country?


    are you serious?

    you have to be joking.

    if you truly believe that....i just dont fucking speechless.

    ill retort when i recover from shock
  14. The perfect penalty!
  15. Yea, I'm going to need links if you're going to post those statistics. A lot of them don't seem even remotely accurate. If they are, then I will apologize and comment on them.

    The first Europeans that came to this country killed and slaughtered the Indians, and pushed them into reservations. How does this qualify as assimilation?

    Furtermore, I agree with you on a lot of points. I do agree that we need to halt illegal immigration, and I do agree that those living in America should try and assimilate into American society. I believe that all immigrants should learn how to speak English and pay taxes.

    However, where we might differ is on the subject of what to do with those illegal immigrants already residing in this country. I DO NOT think they should be kicked out. They need to come out of the shadows and undergo a process to become American citizens, thus allowing them to contribute to the system. Sending them back will be extremely costly and deplete more resources than are being used to support illegal immigrants.
  16. what the fuck are you talking about?

    its just a fucking bus ride back to the border,

    how the fuck does that compare to all the privileges they get to enjoy without playing by the goddamn rules?

    there is no way sending them back is more costly,

    heed your own fucking advice, why dont you show some links for your statistics.
  17. [quote name='UrbanAchiever']Yea, I'm going to need links if you're going to post those statistics. quote]

    Yo0u want to disprove it go right ahead, they were gotten from the L.A. Times.

    And how is sending them back going to use more resources to ship them back?

    Edit, heres some links for ya!


    I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis Island .

    They wanted to learn English.

    They wanted to breathe free.

    They wanted to become Americans.

    Now, far too many immigrants come here with demands.

    They demand to be taught in their own language.

    They demand special privileges ... affirmative action.

    They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture.

  18. In response to scooby:

    Not sure how I got owned, but alright.

    Do you think illegal immigrants are the bogeyman, are they out to get you? You seem to have a chip on your shoulder because of your experiences in the construction industry. They're not out to get you, they're just looking for work. You would do the same. And your racial slurs really destroy any credibility that you might have.

    Our economy sucks right now. The dollar is falling in relation to every other main currency (yen, euro, and pound). We're stuck in an endless war which is costing hundreds of billions of dollars that could have been better spent on education and so on. Millions of homes are in foreclosure, the Fed had to bail out Bear Stearns, manufacturing jobs are going overseas, and the middle class guy is basically getting screwed. Illegal immigrants provide a low cost workforce that we need to badly to jumpstart the economy. In fact, states RELY on this labor, and we need it more than ever. Due to the falling dollar foreign countries want to buy our exports, so we need a workforce to satisfy this demand.

    I didn't say illegal immigration is right. In fact, I don't believe it is. However, try putting yourself in someone else's shoes and look at things from both sides. I think a more rational response than "let's shoot them" would be a result of this.

  19. Dude, come on. If you're quoting statistics you should at least tell me where they came from. I could make up statistics too. 90% of Illegal Immigrants pay taxes says the NY Times. Don't believe me? Go and disprove it

    How do you find them? Do you just expect them to turn themselves in. They will do anything they can to stay in this country. Massive law enforcement operations will need to be conducted to find them. Furthermore, they do have legal rights, and court battles and litigation could ensue for every single immigrant.

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