fun games to play when stoned? (NOT VIDEO GAMES)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by AlfonsoSancia, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. #1 AlfonsoSancia, Dec 17, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
    i always end up playin dumb games with friends like

    -walk whole school parking lot with eyes closed (really hard)
    -wheres the object? ...magic tricks (really intense)
    -pretend we just got in a plane crash
    -pretend we broke out of a orphanage

    anyone else?
  2. could you elaborate on this one?
  3. Hide n Seek fo sho'
  4. well we each got different voices and names and we pretended we were abused orphans at the orphanage and we broke out and we're talkin about what we jus did my friend PC was Chauncy

    ex.Chauncy-can u believe were finally outta there?
    Me-no way
  5. Please post a video of that. :D

    Only game we play that I can think of is called "Not Getting Caught by Cops."
  6. haha dude hide and seek would be so kick ass.

    i gotta remember that for next time for sure.
  7. Dirt wars, or the way I did was pelting sober people with dirt clods lol.

    BB guns/airsoft

    The Game - convincing everyone you see your not blazed.

    Edit: Making blatant sexual references towards elderly women with their back turned. Best if used on highschool teachers.
  8. our "The Game" is to try to act straight to each other as long as we can

    another new one is acting like we're latin gangsters tryin to kill each other
  9. I didn't honestly know people did this, I'm fascinated.
    We play "Munch"
  10. how fucking old are you and what kind of weed are you smoking that makes you perform "skits"

    this is the weirdest shit ive ever heard

  11. do what? lol play dumb games?
  12. its not really skits its jus the best way to explain, jesus lay off man, sorry i cant do stupid shit when im high
  13. so how old are you?

    im with TSDK this sounds extremely childish to me .

    sorry but ive never seen any 18 yr olds pretending to break out of an orphanage or perform skits while high

    or actin like latin gangsters trying to kill each other wtf
  14. i guess it sounds kinda wierd when written down, but still its not like were like lets do some latin gangster voices we just end up doin it, i dont think its childish its just a way to pass time
  15. [​IMG]

    God, is not like they are planning it a hour before and writing scripts. Tell me you never got high and pretended to be Nelson Mandela, his voice is so stupid.
  16. lol nice pic and yeah i know its not like they are planning it a(n*) hour before and writing scripts but i already explained why i thought it was fishy ....

    18 years old + games I would only think to play if i was 13 =____?

    and im sorry but i cant say that i have ;)
  17. Pfftt you're missing out. Big time.
  18. DUDE, ME AND MY FRIENDS DO THE SAME THING... only I think the OP shouldn't have described them as skits, it's more like improv.

    For example, once my friend was just sittin' there strummin' on a ukulele for like 10 full minutes, then he set it down and laid back. I picked the ukulele up and forced it back into his hands and said, "No, you can't give up now, what about all the fans?!" and then my friend said, "Screw the fans, I can't live this life anymore! Do you have any idea what it's like to be me?" and from there we acted out a whole overdramatic "Walk The Line" - style movie trailer.

    Damn, now that I think about it, that does sound kinda wierd... Fun as hell though.
  19. This game is usually more fun when you're drunk, but it works if you're high to. The game is called Bananas. First you set boundaries in someones house or something (so like upstairs only). Then 1 person is blind-folded.

    Rules for the blind-folded person:
    - Try to tag other players
    - After you tag someone you have to guess who you tagged
    - If you guess right, you win, and now that person has to become blind-folded
    - If you guess wrong you just keep playing

    Rules for the other players:
    - Stay in the boundaries and try not to get tagged
    - No hurting/tripping the person who is it (blind-folded person)
    - Fuck with the person who is it to confuse and frustrate them (tap them on the back and run away etc.)

    It gets extremely fun and intense.:smoke:
  20. Apples 2 Apples

    Go out and buy that shit. It's a board game (well cards really) and is hilarious and incredibly easy.

    You have one person with a red card that they lay on the table for all to see. It has a descriptive word on it. Then everyone has 7 green cards and chooses one that they think most closely matches the red card. Then whoever had the best card gets to pick out a red card and decide which one is best next time. It's very fun and very easy.

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