Fulvic Acid??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by FunkyTrainRider, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Is anyone familiar with this stuff called Fulvic Acid? I ordered bat guano from a hydroponics website and they messed up my order and it took twice as long so they sent me a free quart of this stuff and I don't know if i should use it or not... Here's its description:

    "Fulvic Acid is an organic, highly bioactive lightweight molecular chain that results from decomposition of organic matter in the soil. Fulvic acid is mostly associated with the transport of nutrients in the plant. In essence, it allows the plant to absorb more readily nutrients already available to it. Fulvic can be used on seed beds to decrease germination time, it can be used as a foliar spray on vegetating plants, and it can be applied with watering/feeding for great results! 2-4ml per liter, or 1 cup to 20 gal. "
  2. From here:

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