Fully customized box!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by mahoney5693, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. So i made a pc grow box but it was just way too thin so i found this old karoke machine it has two speaker holes in the front and I thought hmmmmm perfect place for intake and exhaust sooo i started working on it and this is what I got...I still need to add my intAKE.But everything else is there...I also had to customize my light fixture because it was way to long but I sure hope it works out...I just wanted to know hwat you guys thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks

    o by the way the box is only 18inch tall and 6 inches wide...But we all have to start somewhere!:D

    Attached Files:

  2. Think she can do what it takes????
    and click on pictures for larger view!
  3. Looks good but how much height is there from floor to just below the lights? If your growing for a full plant cycle then it might be a very tight squeeze.
  4. well those are my 65k's in once i switch to 12/12 I will be using bulbs that are half the length of those bad boys...I will also be setting up the fixture horizantally from the back wall. this making it so i can use the whole height of the box.
  5. does anyone else have suggestions? and by the way I installed my intake finally!
  6. Exhaust fans work best if placed closer to the top, considering that heat rises.
  7. Cool, I just built a box for a friend and used the same reflective stuff. Not sure if you need an intake fan. The biggest problem you might have is that hot air will be trapped at the top where its being produced by the lights. You prly also want the air to flow past the plants instead of just right in and out the box so they get more CO2.

    What are the inside dimensions of your box? For a small area like that i would shoot for around one hundred watts per square foot. However, i usually double that so i can have one hundred watts of both 6500K and 2700K. I would definitely mount those lights sideways. light leakage will may also be a problem, i would try installing filters that could possibly block most the light.

    Other than that i would like to know if your training the plants or just using small pots or what? Maybe a little of both?
  8. yeah well since my box is 18inches tall I will be placing the lights horizantally when I switch to 12/12...also I added a drier sheet filter for now but i will be adding a carbon filter soon..And for the intake I am installing the box so no more light will seep out...Yeah for the exhaust i would love to install it up top but I just dont have the tools needed at my house to drill/cut a hole out.I am only 17 and my dad has everything locked in the shed with a key thats on his car keys lol...But thanks for the advice I will try making proper adjustments as soon as I can once I can get my hands on some tools.
  9. you:dad i need to go out in the shed,
    dad:for what?
    you:(make up something dumb.)

    not that hard. anyways. exhsaust intake wont work. you want it on opposite sides. exhaust on top, intake on bottom. hope you have enough room in that.
  10. I realize your a little tight on space but you could try using some flexible exhaust hose to "suck" the hot air off the top. Plus, that would give you some cross ventilation to help feed your plants. My recommendations are mostly just perfect situation scenarios, so don't let them discourage you. Im sure you can pull this off with great results.

    So is this grow going to be like a SOG type grow with 20 small plants each in there own little cups or one big LST'd plant? Im not sure what would give you the highest yield in that type of space. Keep in mind light penetration. Also let us know how it turns out even if you fail because that might help me in the future.

  11. I I am not sure if the hose would fit but I think I could cut like a part of of a box or something and kind of have it run up the side from th start of exhaust to the top making it so it grabs the hot air from the top and just not the air from directly across...does this sound like it could work?
  12. maybe you could set up another small fan around your lights blowing downward toward your exhaust
  13. very true.but it is a fairly small box you guys dont think it wont suffic where it is?It is only 18inches tall
  14. I guess just try and find a cheap thermometer and try your setup how it is. Another fan might work but I wouldn't do it because its another heat source. Believe it or not but just a fan in a small box with little to no ventilation would make it way to hot for plants to grow healthy.

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