full dogs?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 420Prospect, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. my dog just ate a bigger breakfast than me ? :confused: it's like 1 ft tall.. ate 4 sausage links and a bagel with cream cheese on it :confused:and it wants more and I'm full. How are dogs always hungry? I have never personally in my 18.5 years of life seen a dog full or walk away from offered food.

    and why every time i walk outside with a blunt it follows me? :confused: only with a blunt..

    answers people, I need them.
  2. Dogs always want what they cant have,

    you have food they want it,

    you have food but dont want it then they dont want it.

    You have a blunt dog wants in haha and so on......
  3. Dogs put away food because its not always available to them. Survival instinct I suppose?

    Maybe he wants you to blow some smoke in his face also :p
  4. That is true, only time my dog doesn't eat is if i give him something he doesn't like and there ain't much he doesn't like. Gonna go get some high grade food for my dog next time and eat him up till he greens out. Jk bro.
  5. yeah I think it's a survival thing..

    they are pack animals that rely on hunting.. even when they make a kill there's probably not a lot to go around.

    some dogs will just keep eating as long as you keep filling their bowl
  6. I find it really irritating that when my dogs catch and kill a chicken or one of these big ground lizards, they never have the decency to eat the dead animal.:confused: I always end up having to take up some half chewed animal and throw it away. my cat on the other hand used to eat the lizards and any small birds he caught.
  7. I figured its just instinct. Every time im fixing some food i hear him run upstairs then he walks to me like it's meal time lol
  8. I have a St. Bernard, and oddly enough, he's the complete opposite. I fill his bowl in the morning and put some eggs in there (for protein! He's a big guy!) and he might not even touch it till later in the afternoon. He only eats when he feels like it. And when hes hungry he just lets me know. That being said, maybe he's just a weird dog.
  9. Could it possibly be him smelling the flavoring on the wraps? Just a thought haha

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