If you're not full of yourself, are you empty of yourself? What can you be filled with, what can you be emptied of? Whatever you can be filled with, can it ever be something that isn't essentially yourself? What does it mean to be empty of oneself? Is that more fulfilling that being full of oneself? What is it to you to be full, and what is it to you to be empty? Which is whole and which is fragmented? Which one must you drop to acquire the other? Which one is more universal? Which one makes you one with oneself, and which one is only a mask of oneself? Are you an impersonator?????
who are you filled with perhaps generate concept of 'life' - perhaps to an extent others concept of 'soul' - perhaps to an extent you
The only way to fulfillment is through self-knowledge. Start the adventure of a lifetime, now, or you won't get as far as you could have gotten. As in, begin to explore within, without is only a distraction. Without is only a delusion, so stop looking for yourself out there and find yourself in the only place you can be, in here. "The truth is not there for various relative perspective to connect it. It's within each of us waiting to be shared with each other." -bkadoctaj So before we delve deeper into our sharing, delve deeper into yourself in order to acquire what you have been lacking all along, your true self. No more hockus pockus running around like a mad man b.s., but more exploring one's heart. More getting to know what is within you. Accelerate your coming to your true being, your true inside. There, you will find great purity, freedom, comfort, and relief. It is the only place to go. That is the medicine, that is the cure, to go there frequently and venture deeper into the realms of yourself. Elucidate your within!!
you seem to be filling others. if you are not full of yourself, then no one thinks you are full of yourself because its subjective how can i empty myself AND get to know myself? whats the right thing to empty? basically just organs when it boils down impersonate=communicate
By emptying yourself, you begin to see as all the liquids that used to fill you as not you. When you are empty, you see that those liquids are not who you really are, that they are only masked versions of yourself. The "right" thing to empty is everything. Any preconceptions, ideas, or thoughts of who you think you are are generally a good start. Forget physical properties, since they do not apply here. This stuff is beyond the physical, and more into the spiritual/metaphysical. Let it all boil down into vapor, and when you are ready to see what you are without the addition of all these empty labels, then you will begin on your pursuit of being free. You need to look beyond yourself to see that somewhere there lies the naked you. This you is more you than any other you combined. This you has remained naked as he watched you regress into becoming other false yous that others have helped you create. He has remained true to his nature, while you on the other hand have not. He never spilled through to the other side of artificiality, but remained put. Once you find you again, it is like meeting with a long lost friend.