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Fudge it, don't bake your weed

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by SmokeyRob2, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. If you're new to edibles, a good rule to follow is: Don't bake your weed! (Unless you want your oven to get high.)

    My current favorite recipe is fudge, because it's safe and weed-friendly since the herb is never exposed to high temperatures. (Pun intended.) Fudge is discrete, stores well, and transports well without melting or getting crushed or messy.

    As usual, it takes about 45 minutes to feel any effect, so don't eat more than 1 or 2 pieces. Effects may last from 3 to 6 hours.

    The following recipe is also good for regular fudge, flavored fudge, and even safe for your vegan friends. Print out a copy and make some today! :)

    Simple Vegan Fudge
    (This can be made “gourmet” by adding herbs like mint or lavender, or by adding cinnamon or even black pepper, etc.)

    Cook Time: 15 minutes
    Total Time: 20 minutes

    6 tablespoons vegan margarine (Earth Balance brand recommended)
    3 1/2 cups powdered (confectioners) sugar
    1/2 cup cocoa
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/4 cup plain soymilk
    1 cup chopped walnuts or almonds (optional)
    1/8 oz Herbs/Spices to taste - (added just before you pour the fudge to cool)

    If you're adding gourmet herbs, it's best to remove any stems or seeds, grind them up using a hand-grinder and then also with a mortar & pestle if possible; otherwise your fudge will be edible, but may have a less-than-ideal texture.

    Combine all ingredients, except for the nuts and herbs, in a bowl and mix thoroughly with a large spoon. Pour into a medium saucepan & heat at medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. It will thicken, but will still be liquid when you are ready to pour. This is when you add nuts and herbs; stir thoroughly and pour into a cake pan, glass or metal is fine. The size is determined by how thick you want your fudge squares to be.

    If you want a double chocolate effect, use the same saucepan and melt 6 oz vegan semi-sweet chocolate chips (vegan or carob); then pour over top of fudge in cake pan.
    Let it set for at least 2 hours at room temperature. Cut into 1 inch square pieces. Makes approximately 15/20 pieces, depending on how you slice it. This fudge is rich, so one piece may be just right.

    Can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 weeks; or store in freezer for months.
  2. hmm sounds like a pretty cool idea, i gotta try that sometime
  3. The heat is needed to decarb... i want to call out badkitty.. she'll be more helpful than me..
    are you using AVB? if so then it could be enough.. but if not then you are not processing enough.
  4. yeah that doesn't seem quite right to me either. with a decarb step in there you would gain a good deal of potency. or you could just make a batch of cannabutter with the vegan margarine. either way heating it should be beneficial. its just all about staying within the right range of temps.

    i'm no expert either though so who knows. i've made brownies like once, but i have made a couple batches of glycerin tincture that were nice.
  5. Awesome recipe. Will it work with real butter and whole milk?
  6. Ya, regular butter and milk work just as well in the same amounts. But then it's not vegan :p

    This simple recipe can work safely as-is. But yes, if you have a trustworthy oven, you might want to also decarb your weed first. In my opinion, it's not safe to go over 250F in an oven unless you've tested it well.

    I've seen brownies ruined with an oven set at 300F, but it must've somehow gotten up to over 350F and spent the THC.

  7. for sure. i cook alot anyway so i know my oven pretty well, but i'm gona have to make myself some chocolate bars soon they sound tasty.

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