Fucking stupid ass teachers..

Discussion in 'General' started by boredjim8, Feb 17, 2006.

  1. okay im in a slower class .. remedial .. sped whatever u wanna call it :p Okay so its first period and im there before bell rings playing solitare on my ipod video cause no1 in the halls to talk to. So the bell rings and i continue to play cause the teacher hasnt started the lesson yet and everyone in the class is just chillin and talkin to one another and i wanted to beat the solitare for once on the ipod. Well we have an assistant teacher in the class too that is there to 'help'. Well shes a total bitch. The real teacher is jsut sitting there getting out his lesson for the day and writing on the board and the fuckin helper lady comes up to me and was like turn off your game and pay attention while everyone is talking.. like wtf? so i was like thats okay ill wait till class starts and smiled at her and put my head back down and continued to play .. and she kept bitcin tellin me to put it away or she will take it .. and continues to ingore the fact that everyone arond me is not paying attention to the nothing that is happening in class.. so i put it away .. and sleep and this jsut makes her more furstrated.. she was like .. so are you done your homework and i was like nope and she was like okay well then you can work on that now i was like nope :p cause i mean no1 else was doin it why the hell pick on me for this shit?

    then just 2 seconds ago im playing my fuckin tetris on my cell phone (in a nother class not remedial) and the like in school sub is watchin class (cause teacher left for the second half of the period) and we got 10 mins left of the period and i finised my lesson and shes bitcin at me to work more and put away the phone.. while the other kids are on instant messenger or playing flash games.. man i wanna fuckin bitch slap her!

    any suggestions on how to tell them to fuck off in a nice way? cause my short temper wont last much longer :rolleyes:
  2. get some super glue or epoxy and put it in the lock piece of her desk.... and then throw the bottle out the window or in sum1s bag and if the class is that out of hand that will only help put it in perspective for her...

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