fucking straightedges !

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by new buddy, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Okay the said friend who is straightedge is 19 (pretty old to be straightedge about weed, IMO). So were upstate snowboarding having a grand old time and my friend isn't too good at it so i let him go on the chair before me so if he fell while getting off the lift, he wouldn't knock me over as well.

    So i get on the lift with some other dude who's mad chill and me and him start talking he offers me a cig i decline (don't smoke cancer sticks lol). So were half way up talking about the terrain park and such and we started talking about another mountain which he claims a ton of people smoke at, so he goes "yeah man i smoke a lot of herb, you?" I was like fuck yeah yo! So i explained to him how every time i shred I blaze, except now since i was with said straightedge.

    He pulls out an 8th of the dankest smelling crystally shit ever and he's like want to smoke (at this point I'm ready to jump off the fucking chair because I'm so mad that I'm with my friend who's straightedge)? So i like half way grunt and shit and I sadly decline. :mad:
  2. yea man. me too. looks like we need to get better friends huh?
  3. Why is that your straightedge friends fault? Don't pass the blame on others when it's your fault dud, you still could've smoked. I would've. Nothing wrong with straightedges, they stick strong to their morals. I used to be straightedge for a while too.

  4. well don't get me wrong I love the guy. I've known him since like 6th grade about 6 or 7 years now. but c'mon man? still so close-minded about weed? honestly.

  5. I didn't smoke because he's not straightedge because of morals, but because he thinks people who smoke never go anywhere in life. I don't want him putting that label on me.

  6. That fucking sucks then. I've had a few girlfriends like that, they're not fun. I'd say get new friends :smoking:
  7. Wow, you really should have toked it. I mean, was your 'se' friend, who was riding up front, looking back and staring you down?
  8. You just let him control your life. Next time smoke, and if he has a problem tell him that's why you are using your lungs and not his.
  9. What??? I would have smoked right infront of the cmp.
  10. People that can't accept you for who you are, aren't worth keeping around.
  11. If someone offered me a dank smoke out and I was with some kid who wasn't cool with weed, I'd gladly accept and blow all my hits right in his face. :p

    No, but really, I would have accepted.
  12. question how good a friend is he... would he risk his own life for you? or is he just a chill friend you hang out with? cause i mean if hes justa casual buddy, than i mean i woulda smoked the shit outta that weed... but ya know how it is if its a good friend than you dont fuck em over like that. im out
  13. what the fuck you declined hitting the most chronic weed youve ever seen?

    thats like a stoner sin
  14. man this is the saddest story i ever heard. you really should of just blew your friend a shotgun and instantly he would of had a change of heart. then he probably would of rolled the blunt for you. it works every time. trust me ive done it.
  15. OP, you sound like an asshole. I have no problem with people who are straight edge as long as they're not shoving it in my face and acting like they're a better person cause of it. I've had quite a few straight edge friends in the past. One in particular wouldn't talk to me for 2 weeks cause I drank once and now she's done far more drugs than I have. She was selling ecstasy for a while. Quite a turnaround.
  16. i know were your comming from
    i would have declined it too bros before mj?
  17. I would do it depending on who the straightedge friend was.
  18. I got high with some friends, then a straightedge friend wanted to hang out, so we did.

    After like 2 hours of high, he says "do you regret getting high?" --killed it man..
  19. Just try to have an open conversation about weed with your friend. I have a friend who doesn't smoke and is somewhat against it and I realized that by lying about smoking I was just making myself and weed look worse. Just talk to your friend tell him why you smoke how it's a part of your life and your not going to change it, if he is a friend he will accept your choice.
  20. Then don't let him put that label on you. Do something with your life.

    He did nothing wrong. He has a different value system than you do. Get over it.

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