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Fucking Stephen Harper. Quick question about this douchebag.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by T H ME, May 3, 2011.

  1. How much are we talking about for possession now that earns the minimum jail time? 1 gram? or one ounce?

    Fuck this guy what a waste of money this is putting more people in jail for weed.
  2. #2 Cyrate, May 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2011

  3. For real man i searched for like 5 mins and said fuck it. But ya i hope you maple leafs did the right thing towards the movement!:smoke:
  4. Possession of up to 20 grams not punished.

    As with all things, and we always say this, it falls down to the mood the cop is in, really.

    You can have 1 joint and he can make you assume the position, figuratively speaking..
  5. I'm a member of the Conservative Party but I voted NDP due to their view on weed....In reality though Jack Layton would have raised taxes through the roof, Stephen is doing a good job.
  6. Conservative Bill S-10 (and before that, Bill C-26 and Bill C-15) threatened to imprison non-violent Canadians for small amounts of marijuana with mandatory minimum prison sentences, including 6 months to 2 years in jail for growing 6 plants, and 18 months in jail for making and sharing cannabis edibles or extracting hash. The bills even included life sentences for non-violent marijuana offences.

    These bills and other "tough on crime" legislation proposed by the Cons would cost Canadians billions in tax dollars for new prisons and increased enforcement. We can't be sure exactly how much, because the Harper Government would not disclose the numbers. This callous act of disdain for transparency led to the government's historic contempt of Parliament charges, the first time in Canadian history a government has faced such charges. Luckily, Bill S-10 died when an election was called, but not before being passed by the Conservative-controlled Senate.

    The Conservatives have also tried several back-door methods in targeting pot users, including changing what constitutes a Serious Offence in regulations relating to marijuana and organized crime - so if three or more people trade a few grams of pot amongst each other, this could be a 'serious offence', and these people would face 5 years in prison. This was a process Harper's cabinet manipulated without the need for Parliamentary approval.

    As well, on the Harper government's watch, Health Canada's medical marijuana access program has deteriorated into a confused mess. Long delays in processing applications and renewals are turning patients into criminals overnight, leading to unfair police raids and harassment of sick Canadians.

    Significant evidence shows that Theo-Con Harper, a devout Evangelical Christian, sees the War on Drugs as a Holy War, and marijuana users as un-Godly sorcerers and witches; and he isn't afraid to appoint his religious buddies to important posts.

    One thing is for sure, if the Conservatives win the election, we will see similar or worse attempts to destroy our community. If they get a majority of seats this time around (which is quite possible), it could even mean the extinction of the medical marijuana program.

    "This is a government that's introduced mandatory minimums every single term they've had the last four years," activist Jacob Hunter of, told Cannabis Culture. "With a majority government, Harper would be able to pass bills like that within as little as a few weeks. There will be no opportunity for amendment and no opportunity to delay substantially or to block them. Harper could pass whatever crazy mandatory minimum bills he wanted to right away."

    With a majority, Harper wouldn't have to call an election for another five years, giving him plenty of time to do serious damage through more regressive policies on drugs and many other issues. It would also allow him to make long term, fundamental changes to our justice system.

    "Within three years Harper would have the ability to have a majority on the Supreme Court and major appellate courts in this country," Hunter said. "In the past, Harper has been absolutely willing to politicize even the most basic of government appointments. There's no reason to believe he would be any different in his judicial appointments. This of course could lead to the removal of the medical marijuana program, the removal of same-sex marriage rights, and even the removal of abortion-rights. I don't think its outside the realm of possibility to talk about forced bans on paraphernalia - and say goodbye to Insite and needle exchange programs."

    Thanks guys, now read the bold to get pissed off.

  7. Meh, I live in winnipeg the worst thats ever happened to me was my grinder got dumped. They didn't even ask to see my license, and they let us keep our paraphernalia.

    With our economy and taxes, yes he is. But lets see the crazy regressive shit he does with a majority.
  8. #8 SplitGenetics, May 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    lmfao Life for weed? whats the world coming to?. . . Very unfortunate ;(

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