Fucking shit cunt asshole

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by BeachSpliff858, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. ok, someone tore a branch off my baby, i panicked and tried to move it, while doing so 2 other branches broke and had to be removed, im 2-3 weeks from harvest, can these broken branches stress the plant into becoming hermie? or can it kill the plant? jesus im fuckin stressed here, someone help me out. thanks

  2. dont stress too much man
    we got some negative shit happening all the time in our grows

    those broken branches wont stress it too much imo

    in the future u can try to heal the broken branch
    if it has some stem matter still attached to the main stem
    just tie it a little and pray

    good luck
  3. Nice title thread sheesh.
    The good news is you now have a branch to smoke. It probably wont hurt the rest of her though.

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