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fucking shiit

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by comf0rtablynumb, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. im fuycked on shrooms right now....shiiit how long does this last i dunno when my rents are coming home?
  2. Hahaha, looks like your in for a good time. Depending on dosage and the type your have, then the trip can range to an average or maybe 6 - 8 hours, but it can sometimes be even longer.
  3. Dude, chill out and try to enjoy it. Lay in bed, and simply tell your parents you're "not feeling well" when they see you laying down. Then listen to music or some shit in your room - just don't freak out. The entire thing will probably last around 8 or so hours. Depends on how much you ate haha. : - P
  4. can i go to fucking tired
  5. Lol you can go to sleep if you can, you should have some nice dreams :)
  6. any music recomendations...? or anything?
  7. btw i ate 2.1 grams w/ oj
  8. if i feel like puking what should i do...holy shit it looks like i have 8 hands
  9. just a few questions:

    what did you THINK was going to happen?

    did you read about it?

    if you just took it, knowing little to nothing of it, which is evident by not knowing how long a trip lasts, you are a fool. Sorry, but using without knowing is stupid. Always.
  10. you make a wise point...i think im just freaking out dammit
  11. From the wise words of Thomas Chong...

    "JUST CHILL OUT... man."

  12. YEAH go crazy man break shit!!! destroy AHAHAHHa
  13. Lol you guys r cruel you know what someone says can set you off on a bad trip. Just remember your on a substance and youll be sober in a couple hours, and last of all ENJOY IT!

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