Watching some bullshut police show called "wild justice" they found like 5 weed plants in the middle of some forest. So they take a helicopter and airdrop 3 guys in like full ghilly suits and they camp out there and wait for the growers...On the way there they were saying "yea its scary being the first one to come to a garden like this you never know if your gona get shot out of the air or killed. They ended up arresting them at like gunpoint lol. Then they tie it up in a rope hanging from a helicopter and it gets airlifted back to the station... lmao they said "we just took millions off the black market". This is were out tax money is going. $5000 i helicopter fuel so they can airlift some pot plants out of a forest...
5 pot plants? 5 whole pot plants? Shit man, those growers must have gotten greedy. That's a big grow. Thank you for the DEA in our country. I am so thankful for them. They took 30 billion dollars off the black market today!!!!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, fucking meth everywhere...
Yea and did they have to take it to that extreme? Like helicopter and assault rifles and ghillie suits damn just drive up to em.
Gotta be honest tho. alot of those kinds of growers they find out camping in the woods pollute the nearby streams with car batteries, and other chemicals.
lmao. i recently saw something like this on some similar show to 60 minutes. it was all about grows out in national forests and shit. these were serious grows though with like hundreds of plants in a big field. in one of the busts, they staked out on a cliff above the grow for a day, and were like "from up here, we can see them but they cant see us." lol fucking idiots, like the growers don't know that cliff is up there. the next day in the morning, they say they are going to use this random old truck and drive by to do some recon or some shit, and it won't arouse suspicion. i mean fucking REALLY? this place was probably miles from any trail even, and they didn't think the growers would realize a fucking truck driving by meant something was up? so they all moved in like a fucking military operation and when they got there, all the growers had vanished. HAHAHA. durrr.
and yet the idiots can still get warrants for indoor ops because people talk....we should be smarter than them