fucking on acid

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by blaze_all_day, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. it is the hardest thing ive ever done

    story: so i was at home chillin waiting for my girl to come over and i decided to pop 2 hits of acid{blotters] and about 30 minutes later my girl came over and we started gettin to doing stuff than all i know is we were fuckin and i was trippin bawls lol and this was only my 4th time on acid

    anyone else have experience with this??\

    stories, opinions??
  2. I've done it on several occasions. It's best when both of you are tripping. I wouldn't say its difficult at all, but then again, I am a horny bastard, and I don't seem to experience any of the problems that other men do when on uppers.

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