So im staying at this beach house in florida, well this is my last night here and im laying in bed at 1:30 in the morning and i feel something crawling on my head and i brush it off turn on the light and its a huge fucking cokaroach so now i cant sleep in that bed or anywhere else in the house for that matter and i have a fucking 22 hour drive home tommorow fuck me
Dude something similar happened to me recently. One time I was really baked sitting on my couch and I thought I felt something crawling on my arm. After thinking about it for a while, I decided I imagined it. Then I decided to check just to be sure, so I turn on the lights and I see this big ass fucking cockroach on my chair. I recommend some sort of bug spray, or even Lysol will work to kill it. That's how I got rid of the one in my room. Or you could also use your trusty shoe.
Haha i dont mind bugs flying around my room or being on my bed, as long as they cant crawl inside of me, or have diseases, or are deathly poisonous, or is just a spider, i will be okay.
My place has an ant problem. I'm scared of an ant crawling in my ear and laying eggs while I'm sleeping or something
I literally had the same thing happen to me at a cabin in VT one time. I felt something crawling up my neck and I thought it was just me, and I kind of scratched my neck and a cockroach flew off and landed on the floor next to the bed...I was fucking disgusted because I realized I had felt it earlier crawling on my leg under the sucked.
I stayed at a hotel in the florida keys at the beginning of this summer and woke up one morning to a stain on my pillow case. I was drunk the night before, so i thought i may have gotten a little vomit on the pillow case I roll over to put on my glasses and look back at the stain and the fucking thing was moving! It was no drunken vomit stain, that shit was a muh fuckin cockroach, in my pillow case! Absurd!
Oh yeah someone forgot to tell you. Florida has bugs. Pretty much anywhere where the humidity is high is going to have bugs.
I used to live on a ranch in the country and on two occasions I was watching TV and felt my head itch but like everyone else I thought it was just me. Finally kept itching and I pull a fucking beetle out of my hair. Didn't step foot in the back room for like 2 months and still only visited once a week for like 5 more months. Shit happened a while later but it was a roach. Man I still check my hair everytime I feel an itch.
i never understood why people (particularly girls) get so freaked over something SO small and mostly harmless. do they not know there are literally insects EVERYWHERE, their in the water, in your skin, in your eyelashes, in your hair, in your pillows, in the walls, carpet, dust, air, yo momma, yo mommas momma, all dem thangs. just be happy it wasnt some giant bird eating spider crawling on you, now that would be fucking terrifying. cockroach? BAH!
I was staying at a cabin with a friend and in our room under some plasic on the wall there was a huge wolf spider, we took turns keeping our eye on it making sure it didnt move. Slept fine that night, till we were playing cards on my bed and literally as I mentioned that the spider was gone it crawled up on one of my pillows. I jumped off to find a shoe, but then my friend tried to kill the beast with a clothes pin and it of course did nothing and it ran off.... I couldnt even sit on the bed let alone sleep on it, I slept in a chair on and off through the night, extremely uncomfortable.
Cockroaches are nothing man, We got giant fucking weta, One as big as my palm was on my back i freaked the fuck out and it was just gripping onto my t-shirt and wouldn't get the fuck off when i tried to flick it. If you dunno what a weta is Google it, There fucking horrible & they can bite and scratch you.
[quote name='"MarleySubs"']i never understood why people (particularly girls) get so freaked over something SO small and mostly harmless. do they not know there are literally insects EVERYWHERE, their in the water, in your skin, in your eyelashes, in your hair, in your pillows, in the walls, carpet, dust, air, yo momma, yo mommas momma, all dem thangs. just be happy it wasnt some giant bird eating spider crawling on you, now that would be fucking terrifying. cockroach? BAH![/quote] It's still fucking nasty Mr. Internet hard ass.