Ok, so here it goes. Yesterday, I was as high as a kite right, and me and my buddy "d" went to go get some pizza, we eat pizza, and after we're done, we take a walk down to the supermarket so get a couple snacks, now i was still super hungry, so i got a lot of snacks. right as i put one 25c candy bar in my pocket, the guy goes "hey! i see you trying to steal that, and i go "no sir I just can't hold it all." and he says okay fine, so i'm assuming everything's cool. He goes up to the cashier and whispers something, so i start wondering what he's saying, but whatever i don't care, i'm baked. I go up to pay, everything goes alright, total came to like $1.50, payed her the money, and left. Now my friend d get's asked if he knew me, he says nope never seen him, and the guy comes out and goes "HEY YOU KID, WAIT RIGHT HERE COPS ARE ON THEIR WAY!" What the fu*k? He saw me take the damn food out of my pocket and watched me pay for it, but he still decides to call the police. Next thing I hear is, "OH AND YOU'RE NEVER ALOUD BACK HERE AGAIN" and I have my brand new bowl, and some bud on me, so i'm just thinking, oh fuck no they are noooot catching me, so i ditched the bowl and bud n the woods and my friend and i just book it. (now I got in trouble with the police a couple weeks before that and I am definitily not getting caught again. So we're just walking away casually, and decide to just walk home and try to forget, and I'm still super pissed about losing my bud and my new bowl, so i'm freaking out. We met up with this one kid and had him run back and get my bowl and bud, so he does, and I ended up not losing a thing Moral of the story, never get to much food where you have to put a tiny candy bar in your pocket. I'm still wondering, how retarded was the guy that watched my every move, but still called the police :/
I would like to add another moral to this story. Never get baked out of your skull(ha) with three of your friends and mob to the closest conveniance store and as loud as you can buy $60 worth of junk food. They get pissed and call the police. The price of the clerk as we threw these armfuls of food onto the counter was the best combination of frustration and disbelief ever.
Damn what a retarded clerk. Once I went to a liqour store with a couple of my friends. One of my friends went in first because we were smoking cigs and he bought a candy bar. So we go in and he's already done but just walking around with us. So he puts the candy bar in his pocket and it's small pocket, like 3/4 of the candy bar is sticking out, dumb place to put stuff if you're stealing which he wasn't. Then the clerk runs over yelling why are you stealing, why are you stealing!!! HAHA friend was like wtf are you talking about you just sold this candy bar to me. Then the guy just turns around and runs to his phone calling the police. Then the police get there and even the clerk's wife vouches that my friend bought it already and he had the receipt. Idiot.
...... Should have just emptied your pockets in front of him.... Shit wait, weed and bowl. Ok, should have just walked home calmly. Noobs panic to quick. Chill, it's not like the cops can teleport themselves somewhere, just keep an eye open.
People like that should be royally fucked. I hate people who sketch other people out. Good shit getting way though man, even while ditching your bowl/stash. + rep for that.