well, when i was in middle school, a "gangster" kid said he had a six inch blunt. i was like "bullshit. lets see it." and so he told me to meet him in the woods behind the skatepard at some time. so i show, and he lights up, and takes a hit. when he passed it to me, i found out it was a PAPER BAG full of leaves. so, i was like no thanks. the kid's friend told me later tha the put some weed in the tip, for himself, and was talking about how stupid i was gonna look smoking leaves. i then proceded to light up a blunt of my own, Orange Kush n' all. laughed my ass off. i love O.K.
No way man...."from gangster to gangster, and pimp to pimp".....he should have bitched slapped him.....back handed style
nah man. im not a fighter. i just let everyone know that he tried to get me to smoke leaves, and he probably smoked the rest of the thing in self-pity. whatever. haha
lol in middle school one time i filled up a pink printer paper with grass,dead grass, and dirt. also taped,and rolled it up into a fat chop it looked like a half oz joint..I told this chick if she wanted to hit it jokingly and she knew i was joking but she said "sure" i was like uhh are you sure and she insisted so i threw her a lighter and she actually lit it up and dragged it and inhaled. i was like wtffffff hahaha funny shit
Yeah, but did you kill him during "fucking middle school" or did you wait until "fucking freshman year of high school"?
Lol i rember once in high school some kid rolled up sawdust and smoked it. we pretended like it was cool lol
Ha in middle school there was this kid that got some grass and rolled it into normal writing paper and smoked it like an idiot.
I think that's the best way that could have been handled. It negates everything he tried to show you to be, and isn't whiny or, fuck describing it. that's pretty great.
Yeah these kids at my school would smoke paper j's. I found an unsmoked paper j in on the floor, hoping to find weed in it I opened it up and found cut up paper, I was like WTF
There was this one kid in 6th grade who used to light up pieces of regular printer paper and smoke them.