fucking great concert

Discussion in 'General' started by scoobydooby67, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. oh man, i just got back from railroad earth. my favorite band in the world.

    holy shit, im so tired from dancing non-fucking-stop.

    it was great, i wish other people on here were great fans too, it was breathtaking.

    the venue just recently changed to nonsmoking due to poor circulation. :eek:

    so me and my bud smoked a j on the way there, at opener/main band switch, and set break.

    oh my god, there were so many acid freaks and hippies and rednecks and drunks and little kids and stoners and cokers and all around good people there. the diversity and overall coolness of the crowd was fantastic.

    a great night, i shook the banjoists hand before the show, but when it ended the fucking bouncer caught us sneaking in the band's room. we were gonna smoke with them and make a perfect night....perfecter. but it was still a great night. how was yalls sunday night?
  2. haha never heard of this band, but i love going to shows. Last show I went to was 'In Flames'

    Fucking awesome. Anders slapped my hand :hello:
  3. i used to be huge in in flames...

    funny how i came from that genre to bluegrass....
  4. Hey man, bluegrass is allright!

    They are still comparing Grateful Dead to some bluegrass bands.
  5. in flames is a good band def!

  6. Dude... A band that actually smokes with their fans? How wonderful.
  7. in flames kicks ass. i have 1 prob when i listen to them though... my adreneline starts pumping too fast and i wanna destroy shit.

    saw them at ozzfest and they were fucking INSANE! they were so goo its almost like you coupld play their cd in the background and theyd be right along with the cd.

    one of my favorite bands by far. everyone in my area listens to punk so no one knows who in flames are.

    here a pic from ozzfest:


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